Current Economic Issues in the U.S

Current Economic Issues in the U.S


Find a NEWS article that addresses a current economic issue facing the U.S. It can involve any of the challenges discussed in Chapter 18, or one of your choice. (A news article is an article from a media source like a newspaper or magazine such as the New York Times, FOX, The Washington Post, VICE, etc. that addresses a current event. It does not include sources like Wikipedia, eHow, dictionaries, academic journals, or other information websites.)

Write a minimum 300 word essay that answers the following questions:

    1. Based on the article you chose, what is economic challenge you chose? How does it relate to the economic challenges discussed in the book? (See Chapter 18 for a discussion of economic challenges facing the U.S.)
    2. According to the article, who are the main interest groups involved? What does the economic issue mean for their life and/or business outcomes?
    3. How can the economic challenge be addressed in a manner that is fair and equitable to all parties involved?


Your essay should:

  • be a total of 300 words or more.
    • The 300 word limit DOES NOT include the questions, names, titles, and references.
    • It also does not include meaningless filler statements
  • have factual information from the textbook and/or appropriate articles and websites.
  • be original work and will be checked for plagiarism.
    • You will receive a zero if substantial portions of your work are taken from other sources without proper citation
  • have references and citations for your sources, including the textbook

Cite your sources in-text and provide references for each sources according to the APA Style Guide. FYI web addresses or links are not full references!

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