Case 1: Smash and Grab

Case 1: Smash and Grab

Business name: Joe’s Pizza Palace, in the Rosewood Shopping Center.

Location: 1158 Madison Street, Anytown, AL, 12345 (Alabama County).

Property Reported Stolen: Two computers from owner’s vehicle.


Owner, Joe Person, called Anytown Police on 12/01/2020 to report two laptop computers stolen from his blue 2013 Jeep Wrangler. You are dispatched to the location to investigate.

The Jeep was parked in the alley behind the business location and was locked. Joe states that he was placing trash by the dumpster in the alley when he saw two men, approximately 25–30 years old, tampering with his vehicle.

As he approached, the suspects fled the scene. Upon closer inspection, Joe noticed the plastic rear window of the Jeep had been slashed open and the computers had been removed from the back seat.


As the responding officer, you must now complete a report based on the scenario above. Choose the report you think is the best fit based on the information you have gathered. Please use your name and hypothetical rank or position (or a fictitious name and rank/position) and write the report from this perspective. The elements described above must be in the report, but you must add the following details:

  1. Brand names and serial number of the two computers (they do not have to be real).
  2. Victim’s stated value of the computers.
  3. Time of day victim contacted police.
  4. Approximate time of day alleged theft occurred.
  5. Provide basic descriptions of Suspect 1 and Suspect 2.
  6. For information that is not provided in the scenarios, or that you have not been specifically asked to provide, use your imagination to fill in the details, or use “n/a” to fill in the blanks.

Note: Once you have completed your report, save the document by adding your name to the file and upload it to the courseroom via the assignment submission link.

Warrant and Complaint Report
Incorrect. An arrest warrant consists of a statement of the crime of which the person to be arrested is accused, and an order directing that the person so accused be arrested and held to answer to the charges made against him. It is based upon a showing of probable cause supported by oath or affirmation. A criminal complaint is a self-contained charge that sets forth the sufficient facts that, with reasonable inferences, allow a person to reasonably conclude that a crime was likely committed and that the suspect/defendant, is likely culpable.

Pre-Sentence Investigation Report

Incorrect. A pre-sentence investigation report consists of paperwork that a judge can use to help determine the right way to punish a defendant in a court case. The report is conducted by a probation officer, social worker, or psychologist in the probation department.

Search Warrant Application

Incorrect. A search warrant is a court order and process directing a law-enforcement officer to search designated premises, vehicles, or persons for the purpose of seizing designated items and accounting for any items so obtained to the court which issued the warrant.

Order of Probation

Incorrect. An order of probation is a court order setting out the terms of a conditional release of a prisoner. People can be offered probation in lieu of spending time in prison or can serve part of a sentence in prison and part out on probation. If the probation order is violated, the criminal must return to prison to serve out the sentence.

Felony Sentencing Order

Incorrect. A felony sentencing order is a document that is used by the courts after a plea or finding of guilt to determine the length of punishment and any fines or costs attributed to the criminal conviction. The order will include the breakdown of the sentence and any include special conditions for the specific offender.