Corporate Governance & Ethics
Royal Commission into Misconduct in the Banking Superannuation and Financial Services Industry Volume 1
The Commonwealth of Australia Royal Commission Misconduct in the Banking, Superannuation and Financial Services in its Volume 1 section 3.5 (see link above) made several recommendations regarding Culture, Governance and Remuneration (pages 35 to 37). Section 6 pages 333 to 412 provide a background on these issues.
Please considering the findings of the Royal Commission, as stated above, plus your own research:
- The focus of this report will be to discuss the issue of “Financial Advice” (see pages 119-135 of volume 1) from a culture, governance and remuneration point of view.
- Identify and assess the effects on the stakeholders affected by this issue using Carroll and Buchholtz’s (chapter 3) 5 questions.
- Include an analysis of what the financial institutions investigated reported in their ASX Principles and Recommendations during the years before the Royal Commission.
- Provide an assessment of diversity and inclusion of the boards investigated.
- Provide an overall ethical analysis using Normative Theories of Ethics, and sustainability approaches.
The paper must be formatted as a report (2500 to 3500 words limit). No executive summary or formal Introduction required (no need for authorisation, purpose, limitations, scope), instead provide an introductory paragraph. Corporate Governance & Ethics
Individual research and good writing skills are highly encouraged.