CI 314 Principles of Effective Mentoring

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CI 314 Principles of Effective Mentoring

Self-Efficacy Survey

If you have completed the CI 314 Principles of Effective Mentoring/Mentee Relationships, proceed with the following instructions.  Students who have not completed CI 314 should follow the directions towards the bottom of this document.

During the pre-session you completed the course, CI 314, Principles of Effective Mentoring/Mentee Relationships. If you enrolled in the program after the pre-session no worries you will complete this course in the next pre-session.  Fall pre-session occurs the first two weeks of August and the Spring pre-session occurs the first two weeks of January.

During the CI 314 you learned about your self-efficacy as a para/pre-service teacher.  As a para/pre-service teacher, self-efficacy or teacher efficacy is your “confidence” in your ability to promote student learning.  There are three key areas:

  • Efficacy in Student Engagement;
  • Efficacy in Instructional Strategies
  • Efficacy in Classroom Management

If you completed CI 314 during one of the pre-sessions follow these directions:

  1. Upload your completed self-efficacy survey you completed in CI 314 as an assignment here in Blackboard.
  2. Upload your 3 self-efficacy goals set in CI 314 as an assignment here in Blackboard. Create a google doc or word document that includes your 3 self-efficacy goals.  Please know you can adjust your goals before uploading if you would like.  Your 3 goals must focus on the Student Engagement; Instructional Strategies; and/or Classroom Management.
  3. During this semester you will be asked to select one of your goals to focus on.

Focusing on a Self-Efficacy Goal for Professional Development

  • Choose 1 of your 3 self-efficacy goals that you would like to focus on throughout this semester. This will be come your professional development goal for this semester.
  • Your professional development can include
    • professional readings of online blogs or articles, or read a book on the topic;
    • observation of a teacher in your building;
    • watch professional video clips (Ted Talks are a great place to look); and/or
    • have you had a professional conversation with your TAP Success Coach or a classroom teacher in your building on this goal and gather ideas on what you could do to excel on this goal.
  • By the end of the Semester (see Module 8 on class schedule) you will writing a reflection where you will discuss what professional development you completed the last several weeks in regard to your goal; how you feel you have grown in regard to this goal; and if you feel you still have room for growth.


You will need to plan in advance to ensure that you are working on your professional development goal so you can complete your self-efficacy reflection in module 8.

Your self-efficacy and goals, along with your communication plan should be included with your introduction to your Success Coach.

This is due to your success coach and on black board according to the due date in Module 1 in Blackboard.

If you have NOT completed CI 314 during one of the pre-sessions follow these directions:

  1. Select the attached Teachers’ Sense of Self-Efficacy Scale (Short Form). Base your self-ratings on your current belief of yourself in your current classroom position.
  • You can use the highlight tool in Adobe (the rectangular box with a T on the left side of box and highlighting pen along bottom right of box) to highlight your answers; save; and upload as an attachment; OR you can print off, mark your answers with an ink pen; scan the document and upload as an attachment.
  1. Personal Reflection/Set 3 Goals: Once you have finished this, take stock of any patterns or trends (i.e., consistently low ratings in one area, an exceptionally low rating on one particular construct).

Efficacy in Student Engagement Construct

How did you rate yourself on Items 2, 3, 4, 11?  These questions are focused on the construct of Efficacy in Student Engagement.

Efficacy in Instructional Strategies Construct

How did you rate yourself on Items 5, 9, 10, 12?  These questions are focused on the construct of Efficacy in Instructional Strategies.

Efficacy in Classroom Management Construct

How did you rate yourself on Items 1, 6, 7, 8?  These questions are focused on the construct of Efficacy in Classroom Management.

  1. Upload your completed self-efficacy survey you completed in CI 314 as an assignment here in Blackboard.
  2. Upload your 3 self-efficacy goals set in CI 314 as an assignment here in Blackboard. Create a google doc or word document that includes your 3 self-efficacy goals.  Please know you can adjust your goals before uploading if you would like.  Your 3 goals must focus on the Student Engagement; Instructional Strategies; and/or Classroom Management.
  3. During this semester you will be asked to select one of your goals to focus on.

Focusing on a Self-Efficacy Goal for Professional Development

  • Choose 1 of your 3 self-efficacy goals that you would like to focus on throughout this semester. This will be come your professional development goal for this semester.
  • Your professional development can include
    • professional readings of online blogs or articles, or read a book on the topic;
    • observation of a teacher in your building;
    • watch professional video clips (Ted Talks are a great place to look); and/or
    • have you had a professional conversation with your TAP Success Coach or a classroom teacher in your building on this goal and gather ideas on what you could do to excel on this goal.
  • By the end of the Semester (see Module 8 on class schedule) you will writing a reflection where you will discuss what professional development you completed the last several weeks in regard to your goal; how you feel you have grown in regard to this goal; and if you feel you still have room for growth.


You will need to plan in advance to ensure that you are working on your professional development goal so you can complete your self-efficacy reflection in module 8.

Your self-efficacy and goals, along with your communication plan should be included with your introduction to your Success Coach.

This is due to your success coach and on black board by according to the Module 1 due date in Blackboard.

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