Professional Engineering Management

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Professional Engineering Management

Assignment 3: Develop effective leadership, individual and group communication skills

The purpose of this assessment is to be able to unpick the qualities required to lead a team of people and understand what motivates them on an individual and collective basis. Furthermore negotiation strategies and ethical objectives within the engineering professions will also be explored giving consideration to the full scope of responsibilities the professional engineer carries with them.


As an engineer you need to understand leadership skills including negotiation, persuasion and engineering ethics.

Task 1 Describe the steps for effective persuasion and negotiation

Task 2 Explain the steps for managing effective group meetings

Task 3 Outline the steps to deliver an effective presentation

Task 4 Regarding Leadership

  1. Define what leadership means to you.
  2. Describe leadership styles
  3. Evaluate leadership styles and effective communication skills using specific examples in an organisational context.

Task 5

You are a Managing Director of a food manufacturing business called ‘Sweetie Foods’ making sweets confectionary and chocolate.

You have been appointed by the Board of Trustees to take over a failing business. They would like to know how you can coach and mentor disillusioned colleagues so that they can be more effective in their teams and for the company overall.

Having had a meeting with potential customers who have not heard of your brand it becomes clear that the marketing directors time on the internet has not been to scour for potential customers.

The goals of the organisation are to:

  • Turnover profit
  • Ensure customer satisfaction

Yearly performance reviews have not all been completed. An example of one completed has been given by the Marketing Manager for his departments Administration Assistant below.

Despite reduction in Sales and Profit there is no identification of what went wrong to generate the situation and the many meetings result in name calling and blaming of individuals. The job descriptions are generic and require each individual to:

  • Turnover profit
  • Ensure customer satisfaction

As a result of things going wrong in the business everyone is afraid of losing their jobs and therefore collaborative working is rare as no one wants to be blamed? What would you do in your role to fix the situation

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