CW1 Essay: Citizenship Community and Welfare

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CW1 Essay: Citizenship Community and Welfare

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Critically evaluate concepts of modernity, late modernity and the impact on welfare provision
  2. Evaluate of the meaning(s) and theoretical model of citizenship in contemporary Britain
  3. Demonstrate and critically evaluate theories of risk, vulnerability and resilience in selected social issues
  4. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the disciplinary functions of the welfare state as an agent of social surveillance

The Assignment Task:

Write an essay of 3,000 words, which provides a critical analysis of theoretical approaches to citizenship in relation to one of the following:

  1. Anti-radicalisation strategies
  2. Welfare to Work strategies and their impact on disabled people and those with mental health issues
  3. Contemporary policy objectives regarding housing and homelessness
  4. Health and the active citizen

You must ensure that your essay examines the theoretical work covered through the module in order to evaluate relevant policy initiatives.

Assessment Criteria:

  • Clear introduction and conclusion
  • Development of logical and well-structured argument
  • Accurate and detailed analysis of topic with evidence of significant research
  • Engagement with relevant literature and debates
  • Application of theory and policy analysis to selected topic
  • Appropriate use of sources and accurate referencing
  • Clarity of expression

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