HKIN161 Discussion Worksheet Journal Assignment
Investigating Research
The assignment is to choose an article that appears in one of the following journals: The Sociology of Sport Journal, The Journal of Sport and Social Issues, The International Review for the Sociology of Sport, or a sociology journal referenced in the text and provide the first four steps of the research process listed in figure 2.1 on p. 31.
For this assignment, be short and precise with your answers, provide exactly what I asked for, no more!
This means you answer the following:
- What is the primary research question or issue being investigated
- Simply put, what are the researchers trying to prove?
- What is the theory used in the article, and the research methods used?
- Theory means logically interrelated explanations of the actions and relationships of human beings and the organization and dynamics of social worlds.
- This course and text use 3 major theories – Cultural, Interactionist and Structural but your article may refer to another theory
- What is the research method used?
- Type of research quantitative or qualitative or both. Refer to chapter 2 lecture.
- What is the type of data collected and how the data was analyzed?
- What type of data collection was used, refer to chapter 2 lecture.
- How did the researcher analyze the data?
- Provide two of the major findings or conclusions identified by the author of the article.
Useful website for Sociological Theories
Refer to chapter 2 lecture and text to answer these questions correctly. You must also provide the citation for the article in APA format.
Please refer to the Worksheet Rubrics to make sure you have included all the necessary content to achieve full marks for your worksheets.
- If at any stage in your assignment your writing is not comprehensible, meaning I do not understand what you are trying to say, I will stop marking and you will receive 0 for that assignment.
I will then ask to meet with you to discuss your writing skills. - If you are caught plagiarizing, that is coping someone else’s idea, thoughts and words, you will receive 0.
I will then ask to meet with you to discuss penalties which will be noted on your student file.