Assessment 1: Group Project Proposal

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Assessment 1: Group Project Proposal

The unit learning outcomes assessed are:

LO 1: Elucidate key aspects of information systems and their links to real-world examples through team-based collaborations;

LO 2: Critically review and analyse key theoretical concepts for business information systems solutions;

LO 3: Evaluate the knowledge and skills necessary to develop both conceptual (e.g. various project documentations) and practical (e.g. through demonstrations) support for a project outcome;

LO 4: Advocate and justify recommendations to project stakeholders to address problems in an information systems business scenario that utilises effective communication tools.

Assessment Requirements and Instructions

Your group will need to describe the design problem and motivation. This description should convince the reader that this is a difficult and interesting problem, and there is a need to solve it. The proposal should state what the problem is and why it is a problem or describe a new idea and why it will enhance an existing application or practice.

The Proposal should attempt to address the following criteria template:

  1. Background Context: Introduce the project client and their business. Explain what aspects of their business operation needs improvement and why. Evaluate what is the problem, what needs attention, what can be done etc.
  2. Project Objectives and Scope: Summarize what is the project objective. Explain the scope of the project and the constraints involved. You need to address how the proposed solution will address the client needs.
  3. Project Management Plan
  • Statement of Work
    – Narrating the project-specific activities/tasks, what will be done, how it will be done, what tools and methodologies are to be used etc.
  • Project Team and Responsibilities matrix
  • Work breakdown structure
  • Project schedule
  • Reference list: Appendices (screenshots, client testimonials, current system details etc).

Please note that the above template is for guidance only and typical IS based project plans generally address the criteria listed above. You are strongly encouraged to consider the above template and can complement or supplement with additional headings and topics as you see fit to include in your proposal plan.
A template MS Word document titled BCO3447 Proposal Plan Template (AI)  is provided in the learning space to formulate the Project Plan. You may add/edit/remove sections as you see fit.


  1. Make good use of tables or diagrams where appropriate.
  2. Be clear with your assumptions and implications.
  3. The project focus should be narrow, well-described and achievable.
  4. If you are stretched with your word limit in the body of the report, you need to consider using appendices accordingly (which is not included in the word count).

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