Asset Life Plans and Lean Principles

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Asset Life Plans and Lean Principles

Identify and discuss the application of lean principles within the maintenance strategies of the student’s organisation. Your answers should be supported by Diagrams, Figures and Tables,

  1. Identify and discuss of 5 lean philosophies,
  2. Outline and discuss the application of lean philosophies utilised within the maintenance strategies of the student’s organisation.
  3. Utilising root cause analysis techniques determine the root cause of an unplanned downtime event associated with a critical asset within the authors organisation. Your answer should include:
    1. Description of asset.
    2. Description of the unplanned event along with asset downtime and cost to rectify the downtime event.
    3. Description of investigation team and team members.
    4. Description of root cause analysis technique.
    5. Outcome of root cause analysis.


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