Assignment: Theoretical Framework Introduction

Assignment: Theoretical Framework Introduction

For this Assignment you will have to write a theoretical framework regarding your research proposal.

Please Give the Word-doc of each report a clear name: Include the name of the Assignment and your own name. You can also include the name of the course and the

name of your supervisor if needed.

For example: “CPY415 Assignment 3 Introduction GroupNourah.docx”

Size of the assignment

The assignment should be minimum 800 words in length, maximum 4 pages long.

The assignment should follow the instructions below. See the next page for the grading grid.

Guidelines Introduction

Cover page Make sure you have a cover page containing title, names of students and student numbers and name of supervisor.

  • Introduction

Paragraph 1: show the relevance of your topic.

Paragraph 2: what is your research about, short introduction.

Paragraph 3: why is it important to find an answer to your question?

  • Theoretical framework

Paragraph 1: introducing variable 1, link variable 1 to your research by describing previous research.

Paragraph 2: introducing variable 2, link variable 2 to your research by describing previous research.

Paragraph 3: introducing variable [..], link variable [..] to your research by describing previous research.

Paragraph 4: Based on the review write down your research question and hypotheses using bullet points.

Criteria for Theoretical Framework Grading grid

Total: 10 Marks

Criteria Yes Partial No Comment


Does the topic resort in the domain of the relevant academic department? Should be so (0.25)

Is the topic of the research project defined concisely? (0.25)

Does the title avoid repetitive and non-contributing words, such as “A (measured with question

study of …”, or “An investigation of …”, as well as any abbreviations? above) (0.25)

Does the title clearly reveal the purpose of the study? (0.25)


Has the researcher provided a literature review focused on the topic, as a 2 basis for the research? Review of previous relevant literature?

Is the implication of the review for the study clear? 0.5

Based on the literature review, has the researcher justified the need for 0.5 the research?

Is the research problem clearly defined? Are the objectives clearly 0. 5 specified?

Does the researcher remain objective and refrain from expressing her 0.5 personal opinions and values in the proposal?

Is the research achievable within the maximum period allowed to 0.5 complete this qualification?

Has the researcher demarcated and differentiated the research from other 1 research on the topic?

Has the researcher explicitly stated the objectives of the research? 0. 5 STYLE REQUIREMENTS ( 1 )

Margins are 2.5 cm (1 in.) on all pages (0.25)

All text is double spaced (0.25)

All text is Times New Roman 12 pt. (0.25)

All pages are numbered (0.25) EDITORIAL ASPECTS ( 2 )

Does the researcher display a coherent writing style and provide her 1 thoughts in smooth, successive transitions without “jumping” from one concept to another? Does the researcher have an academic writing style that avoids referring 0,25 to the first person, for example “I”, “me”, “my”?

Does the researcher use headings appropriately? 0.25

Does the proposal contain a reference list? 0,25 Are all the references in the text reflected in the reference list and do all references in the list correspond with the references in the text? 0.25

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