BCO118 Environmental Sustainability Task

BCO118 Environmental Sustainability Task

Task Brief Summative 1

Include all details of the task, including:

  • Individual task
  • Study the conflict over the expansion of the Suez Canal where environmentalist oppose the expansion whereas some businesses and governments favor it. Ecologists concerned over Suez expansion impacts | Environment| All topics from climate change to conservation | DW | 06.08.2015 In this conflict leading business voices stand up against voices speaking in favor of environmental protection or sustainability. The professor will also assign you a side in that conflict (opposing or favoring expansion). Study the conflict and do research.
  • You are required to write a manifesto taking the perspective of your side in the conflict. You need to meet the following objectives:

1. Briefly explain your beliefs about the conflict. These beliefs should be based on some evidence (research).

2. Convince your audience that your side is better than the other one

2. Convince your audience that your side is in the best interest of people, profit and the planet.

  • Contextual information:
  • Make sure to take your side in the conflict and to be persuasive in your writing! Manifestos are subjective so you can use 1st and 2nd person verb forms (I and you).
  • This article of the Huffington Post How To Write Your Manifesto In 5 Steps | HuffPost provides steps how to write an effective and persuasive manifesto.
  • Keep a triple bottom line approach (people, profit and planet)
  • Have a convincing and inspiring tone.
  • Submit your manifesto in a word document on Moodle.


  • Wordcount: 1,500 words
  • No table of contents required
  • Cover and References are excluded of the total wordcount
  • Font: Arial 12,5 pts.
  • Text alignment: Justified.
  • The in-text References and the Bibliography have to be in Harvard’s citation style.

Submission: June the 20th at 23:59– Via Moodle (Turnitin).

Weight: This task is a 40% of your total grade for this subject.

It assesses the following learning outcomes:

  • Outcome 1: understand responsible and ethical practices in public, corporate and private sustainable behaviour, taking into account the attitudes, needs and wants (objective and subjective) and physical constraints of all stakeholders
  • Outcome 2: assess issues in sustainability by means of research, questioning facts and effects
  • Outcome 5: communicate any role as a stakeholder in issues pertaining to environmental sustainability

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