Berrett-Koehler Way Discussion Questions
- Is BK doing everything it can to preserve its mission and the ‘BK Way’? Is BK doing everything it can to ensure its long-term success?
- Does the ‘BK Way’ help or hinder the success of BK? Explain.
- What are Steve’s motivations for trying to preserve BK’s mission and the ‘BK Way’? Should BK’s mission and culture be preserved? Why?
- What are the reasons why it might be difficult to preserve the social mission of a business?
- What is the justification for creating Benefit Corporations? Should BK pursue this legal option?
- Does it make sense for BK to have a constitution?
- How might the various stakeholders feel about the future of BK? What might be their biggest concern and why?
- BK’s board of directors is trying to decide on the actions to take in preserving BK’s mission and the ‘BK Way’? What actions would you recommend? What would you do first?