Biomolecular Mech of Disease Report

Biomolecular Mech of Disease Report

Topic: Colorectal Cancer  


The standard of science required in the assignment should be as expected for the third year of a science degree, not popular magazines, infotainment programs or material obtained from Google searches.

Your sources for this assignment should include up-to-date scientific articles based on original research or systematic review of the literature, and official reports from scientific organisations or those that collate National Data. While useful to give an overview to clarify your own understanding of the topic, pamphlets and publications intended for the lay-person to read (such as those from the Anti-Cancer Council) do not usually have the required scientific depth.


  1. Your report should not exceed the word limit (2000 words). Marks will be deducted for excessive length or very brief assignments (+/- 10%) as well as for repetition. Refer to the rubric for a guide on the assessment criteria.
  2. A carefully planned report, with clear, concise expression will create a more favourable impression. Poor spelling and grammar will reduce your score. Therefore, re-read your work and complete the task within the time limit. The word limit does not include the title page, contents, headings,​ subheadings, diagrams, legends, tables or references.
  3. Your report must be typed. It should be double-spaced, using a 12-point​   font with most text in black ink. There should be a one-inch (2.5 cm) margin on the left side of the page for comments.  Headings should be bolded. The material in tables, references and in-text citations do not contribute to the word count. Use section headings, which you can​ re-name in the context of the disease option that you have selected.

Do not plagiarize. Refer to the Referencing Tips​ if in doubt.​

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