BSCOM 300: Advertising and Media
Create a presentation considering of a 12- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® Discussing how your going to Develop a code of ethics for Internet advertisers. Include the 5 ethical principles from Ch. 17 in The Dynamics of Mass Communication.
- Create a code of ethics with 8 to 10 ethical standards for Internet advertisers.
- Please answer the questions in the bulletins while discussing your answers in details
- Provide two examples of Internet advertisements, based on your code of ethics, that would meet these criteria, and two examples that would violate your criteria.
- Identify which of the principles are used in your examples.
- Provide specific examples of how the advertisements converge with or diverge from your ethical code.
- Refer to codes of ethics from other forms of media to create your advertisement code and to defend your opinions.
Include an introduction and a conclusion to your paper and code of ethics.
Please include speaker notes on each slide