BTEC Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training

BTEC Level 5 Diploma in Education and Training

Unit 2. Teaching, Learning and Assessment in Education and Training

Assignment Title: Planning to meet the needs of learners in Education and Training

This assignment brief consists of the following Nine tasks:

Evidence Checklist  Assessment Criteria Covered Evidence Required
Task1 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
  • Research evidence (Written report) – including Harvard referencing
  • Tutor feedback
Task 2 4.1, 4.2, 4.3


  • Brochure
Task 3 1.4

2.1, 2.2, 2,3, 2.4

Sample diagnostic assessment activities

  • 2 sample ILPs
  • Record for other professionals
  • Table for sources of referral
  • Written assignment
Task 4 3.1 Teaching practice portfolio: 

  • scheme of work
  • awarding organisation requirements (where appropriate)
  • Organisation policies and procedures
Task 5 3.2

5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7

6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6

7.1, 7.2

Teaching practice portfolio: 

  • minimum three detailed session plans each of minimum one hour
  • Resources used in observed sessions
  • Evidence of assessment activities used in observed sessions
  • Minimum three written reports from teaching practice observations – at least one from tutor, one from subject specialist and one from either. A minimum of TWO of the observations need to be assessed using the Current Inspection Framework (CIF) standards. (See Annexe at the end of the Specification document).
Task 6 3.3, 3.4 Teaching practice portfolio: 

  • Session evaluations/ILR
  • Specific examples of a minimum of two contrasting learners
Task 7 6.1, 6.2 Table of assessment types

Teaching practice portfolio:  examples of a minimum of 2 different assessment activities

  • Evidence from assessment activities
  • Assessment record
  • Written assignment
Task 8 5.2
  •  Research
  •  Written assignment
Task 9 5.1, 5.3

8.1, 8.2

  • Review of all feedback from teaching practice
  • Link to personal evaluations
  • Written reflective activity
  • Student profiles

Assignment title Planning to meet the needs of learners in Education and Training

The aim of this unit is to give the learner knowledge and understanding relating to teaching, learning and assessment in education and training. The unit aims to develop the learner’s understanding of the principles and practices underpinning practical skills. These are supported by research and the use of a range of resources to allow the learner to appreciate the importance of different approaches.

This unit relies heavily on the learner being able to review their own skills and understanding through reflecting on their teaching in a practical context – based on the planning, delivering and assessing of inclusive teaching and learning in a specialist area. The learner must also demonstrate their ability to create and maintain an inclusive learning environment and then to evaluate their own teaching in order to develop their practice.

The unit covers expectations in relation to the minimum core in teaching, learning and assessment as a means of embedding this in to their own planning, delivery and assessment. You need to demonstrate that you meet all the learning outcomes of this unit by meeting the standard required in achieving all the assessment criteria.

Task 1 – Essay 

Assessment Criteria covered

1.1, 1.2, 1.3 

Research the key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to your own area of education and training.

In your research you should include your analysis of your own role/s and responsibilities and, in particular, the relationships and boundaries between your own teaching role and other professional roles.

Use Harvard referencing and include this bibliography when submitting your written essay.

(Approximately 1000 words). This does not include Harvard referencing and bibliography. However, you must provide Harvard referencing and bibliography where appropriate.

Task 2 – Brochure 

Assessment Criteria covered

4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 3.5


You have been appointed as a teacher in a FE college.  The College you are joining has been sanctioned for both direct and indirect discrimination and you have experienced three different scenarios that have not embraced equality and inclusion. Your team leader asked you to create a brochure for the teaching staff on maintaining safe, inclusive teaching and learning environment.

Case Scenario 1

The admissions tutor for an independent school interviews an applicant who has cerebral palsy which makes her speech unclear. The tutor assumes that the applicant also has learning difficulties and refuses to admit her as he thinks she will be unable to cope with the highly academic environment of the school. This is likely to be unlawful discrimination arising from disability.

Case Scenario 2

A school requires male pupils to wear a cap as part of the school uniform. Although this requirement is applied equally to all pupils, it has the effect of excluding Sikh boys whose religion requires them to wear a turban. This is likely to be indirect discrimination because of religion and belief as it is unlikely that the school would be able to justify this action.

Case Scenario 3 

After a fight in the school playground between Asian and White pupils, the school limits the time the Asian pupils involved in the fight can spend in the playground during lunch hour but does not impose a similar restriction on the White pupils. If ethnicity is one of the causes of this type of treatment for a group of pupil, this is likely to be direct racial discrimination.

Produce a brochure that shows evidence of at least one of the Case scenarios above covering all four assessment criteria questions.

Task 3 – Report

Assessment Criteria covered


2.1, 2.2, 2,3, 2.4

Conduct a research on the methods of initial and diagnostic assessment used by your institution and select at least ONE to be used with your learners. Use the selected initial or diagnostic assessment to agree individual learning goals with TWO different learners and record the outcomes in line with appropriate internal and external requirements.

ONE of the selected learners should include evidence of where you have had to communicate this diagnostic assessment information to other professionals, with an interest in learner achievement, to help identify and meet specific learning needs.

Produce a table that you could use with your learners to identify the points of referral your institution offers and the help each can offer, e.g. finance office, registrations, student support.

Use your research and practical examples to provide a written analysis of the role and use of initial and diagnostic assessment in agreeing individual learning goals with your learners. Explain why it is important to identify and meet the individual needs of your selected learners. 

(Approximately 1500 words)

Task 4 – Create Scheme of Work 

Assessment Criteria covered


Devise a scheme of work for a minimum of 20 hours of teaching practice for a taught group session.

From your scheme of work select a minimum of THREE individual sessions – each of a minimum of ONE hour in length. These will be the sessions to be observed by your course tutor.

  • A session plan must be provided for all observed sessions
  • Select sessions that enable you to demonstrate a range of teaching approaches so that observation feedback can be as useful as possible.

It is important to arrange observations near to the start of the programme, in the middle and towards the end – as they will give you the opportunity to show your development. If it is not possible to cover all the requirements in a single session then a further observation/s should be arranged to cover them.

Task 5 – Lesson Plan (Annotated with key evidences) Assessment Criteria covered

  • 3.2
  • 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, 5.7
  • 6.3, 6.4, 6.5, 6.6
  • 7.1, 7.2

Design a minimum of THREE teaching and learning plans to be observed by your tutor that reflect:   the individual goals and needs of all learners; and   the curriculum requirements (or vocational standards).

Each session plan should include:

  • aims/objectives of the session
  • topic/content to be covered
  • teaching methods and learning activities (to show inclusive learning)
  • opportunities to address aspects of the minimum core
  • resources to be required for the session
  • formal or informal learning checks or assessment to identify learning is taking place
  • opportunities for giving and receiving learner feedback and/or evaluation
  • specific issues of differentiation, or considerations, e.g. health and safety, risk assessment.

Using the prepared plans each observation must provide the opportunity to demonstrate you are able to:

  • use inclusive teaching and learning approaches and resources, including technologies, to meet the individual needs of learners as well as minimum core elements
  • demonstrate ways to promote equality and value diversity in own teaching
  •  communicate with learners to meet individual learning needs
  • Use types and methods of assessment, including peer- and self-assessment to involve learners in assessment, meet the individual needs of learners, enable learners to produce assessment evidence that is valid, reliable, sufficient, authentic and current and meet internal and external assessment requirements.
  • Record results and communicate with those with a legitimate interest in learner performance.
  • Use questioning and feedback to contribute to the assessment process.
Task 6 – Reflective Account 

Assessment Criteria covered

3.3, 3.4


For EACH observed session produce a written evaluation to explain how own planning meets the individual needs of learners and ways in which teaching and learning plans can be adapted to meet the individual needs of learners. Provide clear scenarios and links with group profile of your session that you teach to answer the following questions.

  • provide specific examples of how you have (or would have) adapted session plans for a minimum of TWO contrasting learners, or a particular group of learners.
  • provide two examples of resources, including technology where appropriate, to show how you have adapted an original resource to meet the different needs of individual learners.

(Approximately 750 words)

Task 7 – Report 

Assessment Criteria covered

6.1, 6.2 

Produce a table listing a minimum of 10 different types of assessment and against each type briefly explain the purpose and the assessment outcome.

As part of the three observed teaching practice sessions, select and include an example of at least ONE different assessment type and method for each session. For EACH assessment activity provide evidence to show how:

  • it meets the needs of your learners and
  • it produces assessment evidence that is valid, reliable, sufficient, authentic and current.

Use research to help your understanding of assessment, and referring to the practical examples from your teaching practice observations, provide a written report to analyse the effectiveness of the assessment methods, used in your specialist area, in meeting the individual needs of your learners.

(Approximately 1500 words)

Task 8 – Report 

Assessment Criteria covered


Undertake a piece of individual research into different theories of communications and the impact on learning to produce a written report. 

You must include:

  • examples taken from your own teaching practice, to analyse the benefits and limitations of the communication methods you use.
  • different forms of communications you use in teaching (other than verbal and non-verbal communications) such as the communication media used in own area of specialism, e.g. written, white board, VLE, video.

(Approximately 2000 words)

Task 9 – Reflective report 

Assessment Criteria covered

5.1 , 5.3

8.1, 8.2

Use the feedback provided by your tutor and your own session evaluations and individual learning to review the effectiveness of your own practice in all areas of inclusive teaching and learning in:

  • planning
  • delivering and
  • assessing

Use these sources of information and any other occasion where you may have had verbal or written feedback on your teaching to produce a reflective report.  

The report should include:

  • The effectiveness of the range of teaching and learning approaches you have used in your own area of specialism in meeting the individual needs of at least THREE different specific learners.
  • The use of feedback provided by tutor and your own session evaluations and individual learning to review the effectiveness of your own practice in all areas of inclusive teaching and learning in planning, delivering and assessing .
  • A review from across the whole of your practice to identify areas for improvement in the three areas of planning, delivering and assessing inclusive teaching and learning.

Learning outcome Assessment


In this assessment you will have the opportunity to present evidence that shows you are able to: Task
1. Understand roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training 1.1 Analyse own role and responsibilities in education and training. 1
1.2 Summarise key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to own role and responsibilities. 1
1.3 Analyse the relationships and boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles 1
1.4 Describe points of referral to meet the needs of learners 3
2. Be able to use initial and diagnostic assessment to agree individual learning goals with learners


2.1 Explain why it is important to identify and meet the individual needs of learners 3
2.2 Analyse the role and use of initial and diagnostic assessment in agreeing individual learning goals 3
2.3 Use methods of initial and diagnostic assessment to agree individual learning goals with learners 3
2.4 Record learners’ individual learning goals 3
3. Be able to plan inclusive teaching and learning.


3.1 Devise a scheme of work in accordance with internal and external requirements 4
3.2 Design teaching and learning plans that respond to:

  • the individual goals and needs of all learners
  • curriculum requirements
3.3 Explain how own planning meets the individual needs of learners 6
3.4 Explain ways in which teaching and learning plans can be adapted to meet the individual needs of learners 6
3.5 Identify opportunities for learners to provide feedback to inform inclusive practice 2
4. Be able to create and maintain a safe, inclusive teaching and learning environment 4.1 Explain why it is important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others 2
4.2 Explain ways to promote equality and value diversity 2
4.3 Establish and sustain a safe, inclusive learning environment 2
5. Be able to deliver inclusive teaching and


5.1 Analyse the effectiveness of teaching and learning approaches used in own area of specialism in relation to meeting the individual needs of learners 9
5.2 Analyse benefits and limitations of communication methods and media used in own area of specialism 8
5.3 Analyse the effectiveness of resources used in own area of specialism in relation to meeting the individual needs of learners 9
5.4 Use inclusive teaching and learning approaches and resources, including technologies, to meet the individual needs of learners 5
5.5 Demonstrate ways to promote equality and value diversity in own teaching 5
5.6 Adapt teaching and learning approaches and resources, including technologies to meet the individual needs of learners 5 and 6
5.7 Communicate with learners and learning professionals to meet individual learning needs 5
6. Be able to assess learning in education and training 6.1 Explain the purposes and types of assessment used in education and training 7
6.2 Analyse the effectiveness of assessment methods in relation to meeting the individual needs of learners 7
6.3 Use types and methods of assessment, including peer- and selfassessment to:

•       involve learners in assessment

•       meet the individual needs of learners

•       enable learners to produce assessment evidence that is valid, reliable, sufficient, authentic and current and

•       meet internal and external assessment requirements

6.4 Use questioning and feedback to contribute to the assessment process 5
6.5 Record the outcomes of assessments to meet internal and external requirements. 5
6.6 Communicate assessment information to other professionals with an interest in learner achievement. 6
7. Be able to implement expectations of the minimum core in planning, delivering and assessing inclusive teaching and learning 7.1 Analyse ways in which minimum core elements can be demonstrated in planning, delivering and assessing inclusive teaching and learning
7.2 Apply minimum core elements in planning, delivering and assessing inclusive teaching and learning 5

Suggested resources 


Ashcroft K and James D (eds) – The Creative Professional: Learning to Teach 14-19-Year-Olds (Falmer, 1998) ISBN 9780750707404

Beere J – The Perfect (Ofsted) Lesson (Crown House Publishing, 2010) ISBN 9781845904609

Gadsby C – Perfect Assessment for Learning (Independent Thinking Press, 2012) ISBN 9781781350027

Gould. J – Learning Theory and Classroom Practice in the LLLS, (Learning Matters, 2012), ISBN 9780857258175

Gravells A and Simpson S – Planning and Enabling Learning in the Lifelong Learning Sector (Learning Matters, 2010) ISBN 9781844457984

Kidd W & Czerniawski G – Successful Teaching 14-19 (2011), Sage Publications ISBN 9781848607125

Petty G – Evidence-Based Teaching: A Practical Approach, Second Edition (Nelson Thornes, 2009) ISBN 9781408504529

Powell S and Tummons J – Inclusive Practice in the Lifelong Learning Sector (Achieving QTLS), 1st Edition (Learning Matters, 2011) ISBN 9780857251022

Roffey-Barentsen J and Malthouse R – Reflective Practice in the Lifelong Learning Sector (Achieving QTLS), 1st Edition (Learning Matters, 2009) ISBN 9781844451845

Tummons J – Curriculum Studies in the LLLS, (Learning Matters, 2011) ISBN 978184441937

Wallace S – The Lifelong Learning Sector Reflective Reader (2010), (Learning Matters, 2010) ISBN 9781844452965  Wallace S – Teaching, Tutoring and Training in the Lifelong Learning Sector (Achieving QTLS), 4th Edition (Learning Matters, 2011) ISBN 9780857250629

Journals and/or magazines 

  1. Times Educational Supplement – FE Focus
  2. Times Higher Education weekly – newspaper
  3. Professional/vocational journals


  1. – Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) – Centre for Research in Lifelong Learning
  2. – Learning and Skills Improvement Service (LSIS) Excellence Gateway – Geoff Petty, on-line teaching resources – Institute for Learning
  3. –The National Institute of Adult Continuing Education (England & Wales) (NIACE)
  4. – Skills Funding Agency (SFA)
  5. – Open University and Department for Education professional development programme and resources