BUSN3050 International Human Resource Management

BUSN3050 International Human Resource Management


This is a group assignment in which students will be asked to discuss an international management issue using relevant theory. Through successful completion of this assignment, students will:

  • Develop knowledge of a practical international business management issue that they may be exposed to in their future roles.
  • Develop literature search skills.
  • Develop skills in critical thinking and analysis.
  • Develop skills in and referencing.
  • Develop skills in applying theory to a practical international business management.
  • Develop team and communication skills.
  • Develop presentation skills

The Presentation

  • All students in the group must make a contribution to the presentation.
  • Try to make your presentation as creative and innovative as possible.
  • PowerPoint slides must be uploaded to the topic website (“Presentation Uploading Forum”) 72 hours prior to the tutorial. Failure to upload on time will be considered as late submission and will result in 0.5 marks deducted per calendar day (5 marks will be deducted when slides are not uploaded until the tutorial, but presentation is delivered)
  • Prepare to answer questions from your classmates and your tutor

Written Case Study Report

  • The written report is to include an introduction, a summary of the issues and answers to the case questions. Answers to the case questions need to draw from appropriate theory, and be supported by relevant academic sources. You many use your textbook, but need to also find 6 other primary sources.
  • Appropriate theoretical models should be used in the discussion.
  • In line with College policy, sources must me consistently and comprehensively referenced using APA style. At least 6 primary sources must be used.
  • You should revise the case study report by incorporating the feedback on the presentation.

Case Study Guidelines

A case study is a short description of a real business and management situation. Analyzing case studies gives you the opportunity to apply concepts you’re learning to real problems in the field of international human resource management (HRM). Cases are generally written for several types of analysis. Usually, there is not a “right or wrong” answer. Rather, cases provide a vehicle for you to demonstrate your understanding and ability to apply course concepts and theories. You must use appropriate sources (properly cited) to support your position. Check your analysis by assessing how well it demonstrates your subject knowledge. If your answer relies solely on your ‘impressions’ of the topic, it is likely that the analysis is not your best effort.

Simply answering the questions which are part of the case is not enough; consider the questions to be clues to the important concepts and facts. You are strongly encouraged to use the following outline so that your analysis is organized appropriately:

  1. Identify both the key issues and the underlying issues. In identifying the issues, you should be able to connect them to the business principles and international HRM principles which apply to this situation.
  2. Discuss the facts which affect these issues. Sometimes, the case may have too much information. In your discussion/presentation, you should filter the information and discuss those facts which are pertinent to the issues identified above.
  3. Discuss your tentative solution to the problem and how you would implement your solution. What actions would you propose to respond to the situation, based on the knowledge you have gained in this topic (BUSN3050)? You should draw on knowledge gained in your readings, experience and coursework (in your course enrolled in Flinders and/or others) to support your response. Be sure to properly cite references in APA format. You should also draw on other references such as business periodicals and relevant peer-reviewed academic journals. Remember that an analysis is more than simply a summary of the Case Study.
  4. Discuss follow-up and contingency plans. How will the organization know that your proposed solution is working? What should they do if it does not work?

If you need assistance with APA formatting, you may refer to APA Referencing Style and the Flinders guide located at https://students.flinders.edu.au/content/dam/student/slc/apa-referencing.pdf. The Online Writing Lab at Purdue University has also excellent APA-specific resources available here: Purdue OWL APA Style Help. These resources will not only help you to enhance your
referencing and formatting skills in this topic, they will also be useful when you undertake other topics or future courses that use APA style.

The following questions are helpful when checking if your case study report meets basic standards. Make sure you have a “Yes” for all these questions.

  • Have you identified the critical issues/problems in the case and analysed the key facts related to the issues/problems?
  • Have you discussed a tentative solution that addresses the issues/problems and how you would implement your solution?
  • Is information from the textbook AND other sources integrated into your analysis appropriately? For these sources, you must provide complete and accurate APA citations.
  • Have you incorporated feedback received during the oral presentation at the tutorial when refining the case report?
  • Is the case paper professionally presented? Remember your audience. It is important to present your information as clearly and succinctly as possible. Do not sacrifice thoroughness for mere brevity.
  • Have you read it over carefully and corrected any grammar and spelling errors?




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