BUSN6080 Organizational Strategy Assignment
Midterm Assignment 2: Organizational Capabilities & Management Preferences and the Diamond-E Strategic Planning Template
Assignment Objectives:
Focusing on Chapters 1-3, and 7-8, this assignment aims to contribute to your understanding of the Diamond E Strategic Planning template by A. exploring two variable factors (Organizational Capabilities and Management Preference) and their influence an organization’s strategy, and B. the three step Process of Strategic Analysis introduced in Chapter 3 of our text (Crossan et al., 2009, pg. 54) and
- the three step gaps analysis process as discussed in Chapter 7 and Chapter 8 (and also in Chapters 4, 5 & 6).
To complete this assignment please:
- Refer to our text. Ensure you are familiar with the concepts in our text Chapters 1-3, 7 and 8.
- Draw examples from a maximum of ten different information sources (including recent articles from an English language source published in the last ten years, or company www sites) of your choice. Please draw examples from your selected information sources; do not draw examples from our text.
Assignment Questions (this is also requested as an outline for your paper’s structure and Table of Contents):
- Clearly and succinctly explain why you have selected your specific sources of information
- Chapter 7 discusses Management Preferences and the influence of different manager’s “roots of strategic preference.” Drawing from your selected information sources identify, concisely explain, and compare two examples of different “roots” of management preference. To support your answer include at least two citations from Chapter 7 plus at least two cited examples from your selected information sources.
- Chapter 7 also discusses the importance of congruence between Management Preferences (individual and groups of managers) and an organization’s strategy. In this chapter a three step “gap closing process” (Crossan et al., 2009, pg. 144) for resolving a Management Preference Strategy “gap” is presented. Demonstrate your understanding of this process by answering the following question:
From your information sources identify and discuss two different actions available to close a Management Preferences – Strategy gap. To support your answer, include at least two citations from Chapter 7 plus at least two cited examples from your selected information sources (in your answer, be sure to clarify if you are addressing gaps involving Individual Manager or Group of Managers).
- Chapter 8 discusses the extent Organizational Capabilities are heavily influenced by employee behaviour, and organizational culture. Drawing examples from your selected information sources, identify, explain, and compare two examples of different kinds of organizational cultures. To support your answer include at least two citations from Chapter 8 plus at least two citations from your selected information sources.
- Chapter 8 also discusses the importance of congruence between Organizational Capabilities and an organization’s strategy. In this chapter a three step “gap closing process” (Crossan et al., 2009, pg. 164) for resolving a Organizational Capabilities – Strategy “gap” is presented. Demonstrate your understanding of this process by answering the following question:
From your information sources identify and discuss two different types of actions available to close an Organizational Capabilities – Strategy gap. To support your answer include at least two citations from Chapter 8 plus at least two cited examples from your selected information sources.
- Synthesize a conclusion: clearly summarize three “take-aways” from this assignment. Specifically, discuss how this analysis has contributed to your understanding of the Diamond E and the Process of Strategic Analysis.
Assignment Expectations:
- Use our course materials (articles and text) for descriptions of Management Preferences, and Organizational Capabilities (do not use other definitions of these terms which can be inconsistent with our course material) and other core concepts.
- Choose current information sources from within the last 10 years (& written in English). Please do not choose peer reviewed academic articles.
- Consider the length expectation as an opportunity to demonstrate your thinking and knowledge about these topics. For this reason, please ensure your paper meets the requested pages in length.
- Do not write summaries of your selected articles / sources of information.
- Do not use the word “etc.” in your paper.
- The articles you choose can be about different companies than in your Assignment 1.
- As per Essay Assignment One, only include images in the Appendix (not the essay content body)
- Late papers are subject to late charges of 10%/ day, as per our original course outline.
Academic Integrity:
- Cite all of your information sources (our course text (Crossan et al., 2009, pg. ____), articles, moodle, and www sites).
As per Essay Assignment One, the appropriate use of citations is a necessary characteristic of academic writing. You can review the “Owl-Perdue APA style” on-line for a clear overview of APA standards. If you have questions about these expectations and if schedules allow, additional assistance is potentially available from the TRU writing centre (www.tru.ca/writingcentre).
- Ensure your assignment is original work. And, as per the marking rubric on the last page of this assignment, orginality is an assessment criteria. So, to avoid the mimicking of another assignment, please ensure your ideas and work are kept confidential. After all, I will have no idea which is the original so will evaluate both papers accordingly lower.
- Papers may be processed via a “proofing” software (such as turnitin) to ensure originality.
- In some instances, and for a variety of reasons, I may want to meet with you on the BBB or Zoom for a follow-up face to face 15-30 minute discussion about your paper.
- Identify your paper with your student number only: no names.
- Due date and assignment weight: as per our moodle course dropbox
- Format : 1.5 line spacing, 1 inch margins, 11 pt font, pages are numbered
- Length: 5 pages minimum, 6 pages maximum + Title page, Table of Contents, Appendix and Bibliography
- Title page includes: student number only (no names), course section number, list of selected sources of information.
- Assignment includes: Title page, Table of Contents, Bibliography, Appendix (if needed)
- Submit your paper by Uploading it to our course moodle drop box (please do not email me these assigments), so I can track paper submissions.
- Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this assignment and we can arrange a Zoom or BBB conversation.
- If there are any revisions to this assignment I will notify you as soon as possible.