Case Analysis: Henry Tam and the MGI Team

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Case Analysis: Henry Tam and the MGI Team

For this case analysis, you will need to first read the case from Harvard Business Review Website and search for the case “Henry Tam and the MGI Team” by Jeffrey, T. Polzer, Ingrid Vargas, and Hillary Anger Elfenbein, 17 pages.  Publication date: Oct 20, 2003.

Your task for this assignment is to assess the major issues in the case – both individual and organizational — and to support your ideas with relevant concepts from our discussions and course readings.  Please use the format with headers below to present your analysis and recommended actions.


Required Format

Section One: Issues and Analysis

Here you identify the key issues that underlie the problems in the case.  You should analyze each of the important issues you outline and incorporate insights from relevant organizational behavior concepts to help explain what happened/why the situation at hand came about.

Use short examples from the case to show why you consider the problems you have identified as the most basic issues that need to be resolved.   Remember you are building towards recommendations that will deal with the problems you have identified.  This section shows that you understand how theory applies to complex situations.

Section 2: Preventive Actions

In this section describe actions that could have prevented the current situation from developing to this point.  Use the concepts listed below from class to support your analysis. Explain your reasoning and ensure that your recommendations follow logically from your previous analysis.  Be specific not only about what to do but who will do it.


Section Three: Actions to Remedy Going Forward from the Current Situation

Looking at the current situation as it now exists in the case, what actions would you take from this point forward to help the team successfully meet is goals and achieve a positive outcome?  When a team has history there may be resistance or complications implementing the actions you recommend.  Be sure to acknowledge any challenges you anticipate and how you would handle them.

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