Classroom Learning Environment Assignment

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Classroom Learning Environment Assignment


Investigate strategies for managing and coordinating the classroom learning environment for the student with special needs that includes behavioral, social, environmental, and cultural supports for learning.

UDL At A Glance (Links to an external site.)

UDL At A Glance

Provide evidence of the Universal Design for Instruction (UDI) principles which target inclusive instructional strategies benefitting a broad range of learners including students with disabilities.

Equal Access: Universal Design of Instruction (Links to an external site.)

Equal Access: Universal Design of Instruction

The inclusive learning environment that you create will benefit all levels of learning in a diverse classroom and community. Support personnel are vital for the implementation and monitoring of services so explain the role of a General Education teacher, a Special Education teacher/Case Manager, and any additional support personnel. Explain how Formal Assessment data impacts the student with special needs and why accommodations and modifications are necessary. Classroom Learning Environment Assignment



Include a title page, an introduction, summary/conclusion, a reference page, and a Course Buddy Peer Review sheet of the investigation which will:

  • Determine the factors involved in the classroom learning environment for students with special needs listing at least four areas of need that can be supported through the strategies listed
  • Discuss the decision whether to place the students with special needs in the general education classroom
  • Investigate the relationship to the Case Manager in a special needs environment, linking to the individual support personnel and strategies utilized
  • Include the persons responsible for maintaining a classroom learning environment
  • Explain the roles of support personnel and how they interact with and support the General Education and Special Education Teachers, Case Manager, and the students.
  • List and explain the strengths and weaknesses of strategies for managing and coordinating classroom learning environments for students with special needs. Provide specific examples for each strength and weakness, directly listing how to create, evaluate, and analyze each strategy.
  • Clearly define and include the variety of needs for services, differentiated instruction, and the accommodations to each need, including, but not limited to: students unable to communicate, students unable to see, students unable to hear, and students in an environment outside of the classroom which may include a hospital setting or a rehabilitation center due to an injury or illness.


Write 7-10 pages which includes the title page, the introduction and the summary/conclusion, the reference page, and the Course Buddy Peer Review sheet with a minimum of seven references using APA format.

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