Clinical Psychology: The Flynn Effect
Write in details about “The Flynn Effect”
1. Defining the The Flynn Effect
2. Historical review of this concept (1500 words)
For example.
- The “Flynn effect” refers to the observed rise over time in standardized intelligence test scores…
- In 1984, Flynn published an article in which he analysed 73 U.S. studies (N total = 7431) comparing the scores on several intelligence tests across time (Stanford-Binet Intelligence scales and Wechsler scales). All these studies compared the IQs obtained by a sample of individuals on each test and on the previous version of the same test, i.e., using norms collected among the U.S. population at two different points of time.
3. Implications of The Flynn Effect (1000 words)
- Implications for the Identification of Learning and Intellectual Disabilities
- Implications for Legal Evaluations (in Australian context)