Contingency Role and Theoretical Relationship

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Contingency Role and Theoretical Relationship

Quality management literature suggests that quality improvement orientation should lead to enhanced firm performance and competitive advantage.

Drawing on the upper echelon theory, present scholarly, and logical arguments to show that quality improvement orientation of a firm is likely to drive or improve firm performance and competitiveness, and further discuss the contingency role of top management commitment in such theoretical relationship.

Employee Checks

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

  1. Briefly explain your overall understanding of conducting employee background checks. Why are they done? Why are they important? Be clear with your discussion.
  2. Identify and discuss at least two (2) types of background checks you believe most organizations conduct and explain how you will ensure the types you select are properly administered in the company.
  3. List and describe at least five (5) employee drug testing procedures you should ensure in order to comply with state drug testing laws. How would you ensure adherence to the procedures?
  4. Briefly discuss your understanding of bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ), affirmative action preferences, and promotions. Then, identify at least three (3) actions you would take to avoid employment law issues with these topics. Be specific.


Considering the impact of technology, robotics, and other innovations on Strategic Human Resource Management, you are required to choose any one of the five crucial components of “The Harvard Model of HRM” and reflect how that component will affect the organisation you are working in (or familiar with any organisation) in the future.

Furthermore, when you choose one of the five components of the model, briefly state the reason for selecting that particular component for your reflection.

Compare and contrast

Employee Selection” Please respond to the following:

  • Compare and contrast the structured interview, situational interview, and behavioral interview. Determine which type of interview would be more beneficial when interviewing applicants. Support your selection.
  • In the selection of the candidate, determine if the manager should make the final choice or if others should be included in the final decision. Support your position.

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