Covid-19 Impact in Memphis population
This project will be an assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 virus on the Memphis population. There will be three areas of focus: Current Statistics, Impact on Shelby County and Recovery Plan. Your paper will have those three areas of focus listed as subheadings. Subheadings help to organize your paper and thoughts while completing it. Submissions without those three subheadings will not be accepted.
Current Statistics: Under the current statistics subheading you will research and address the death rates in Shelby County to date, the number of verified cases of COVID-19 to date. Compare the Shelby county rates to the rates for the total population in the US. Address if the confirmed cases in Shelby County have been increasing or decreasing and if so by how much. It is understood that these numbers are constantly changing and may be different at the time of your completed submission. You are just required to provide the most current information at the time of your research.
Impact on Shelby County: Under this subheading you will cover the effect the virus has had on Shelby County businesses, schools, hospitals, mental health facilities. Here you are to research seeking facts about the effects in those areas listed. Simply stating that many businesses have closed is not acceptable. This is not about sharing what you think has occurred or what you have observed. You need facts to back up your statements. There may be extensive information on the impact on schools, businesses, hospitals and mental health facilities in Shelby County so you have the flexibility to choose to focus on just one or two of those areas instead of all of those listed.
Recovery Plan: Under this subheading you want to address the up to date status of moving through the phases of the National Recovery Plan. There are different phases of the National Recovery Plan. Here you want to address what phase Shelby County is in, what are the standards/guidelines associated with that phase of recovery and what is the plan to move forward in the plan.
Resources to complete the Special Project should be: the reports from the Memphis Public Health Department, information from local newspapers and TV stations, and any other available source that you must cite. By this date, it is anticipated that the incidence of the virus will have subsided, but that needs empirical evidence.
- *Your submission must have a minimum of four FULL pages of content.*
- *There is no abstract needed.*
- *The submission will be in narrative form and submissions with bullet points will not be accepted.*
- *Remember to use APA guidelines when formatting and writing your paper.*