Deregulated Labor Market Assessment

Deregulated Labor Market Assessment

Assessment Instructions

  • Answer two (2) questions only
  • The total number of question choices is five (5)

All questions carry equal marks

  • Each question should be a short essay of 850 words or more.
  • Citations and academic references are required to support theories.
  • Build a critical argument and answer the questions.

Provide extensive understanding and knowledge of the subject.


Question 1
“Low-road HR policies are the only way forward in a deregulated labor market”. Critically evaluate this statement.
Question 2
What are the key driving forces of CSR? How do they shape CSR?
Question 3
Critically engage with the notion that consumption is increasingly seen as political.
Question 4
What is, for the organization, the difference between the internal and external sources to
Question 5
How does economic crisis (i.e. secular cyclical) contribute to the ongoing shaping and  circumscribing of economic globalization

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