Effects of Globalization in the Battle Against Diseases

Effects of Globalization in the Battle Against Diseases

Essay Question: How might globalisation help or hinder the global battle against disease?


In writing your essay you should be mindful of the following marking criteria:

  • Thesis statement/contention: Have you clearly and concisely answered the question/s? Have you presented a logical argument that backs up your contention?
  • Evidence: Is the argument supported by enough evidence?
  • Structure and Organisation: Have you clearly introduced your evidence and explained 
the significance of the evidence you have chosen to present Does the essay have an introduction and a conclusion? Does the essay have an appropriate paragraph structure?
  • Depth of research: Is there evidence of extensive reading and research using appropriate 
academic sources?
  • Referencing: Have you referenced all direct quotes and sources that you have 
paraphrased? Does your essay have a properly constructed reference.
  • Expression and presentation: Have you communicated your ideas clearly and 
accurately? Are there any spelling/grammatical errors or typos?
  • Accuracy: Are there any factual errors in your essay?

Minimum of 13 sources must be cited

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