Essay Cause and Effect
A popular stereotype is the troubled child from a broken home, and yet we have a divorce rate of over fifty per cent. Are all these children troubled? Do children from intact homes automatically fare better? Based on the research you collect, argue what you think are the effects of divorce on the futures of the children involved
Research Paper: Essay Topics
- 1500 words
- double-spaced
- 12 pt. font
- submit in PDF format to Dropbox on our class website
For this essay, you will need to
- use seven secondary sources to support your thesis statement. Your secondary sources may include books and articles, but you should not depend exclusively on only one of these types. Essay Cause and Effect
- use one primary source that may be in the form of an interview or questionnaire that you administer yourself, or you may find primary sources (such as interviews, diaries or speeches) in the library.
- avoid using sources from the Internet. All secondary sources are to come from the GH library system.
- present both in-text and post-text documentation in APA format