EVN301 Events Policy & Strategy
Part B: Strategic Analysis
In Part A you designed a major event, in Part B you are tasked with writing a persuasive and compelling
argument to the local council as to why they should approve or support your event and detailing what
that support would look like.
You need to succinctly address in your report the following:
- Where there is alignment between your event and the local council’s strategic objectives
- The positive impacts your event will have on the local community and how this will be measured
- Use an Ishikawa Diagram to identify any negatives and include how you will mitigate any potential negative impacts of the event
- What type of event support you are seeking and why.
Your response should be detailed and provide specific examples of how your event is aligned with the local council / governing body’s strategic objectives for their community.
Where you give examples of positive impacts draw upon related events to show the extent of these, likewise provide supporting evidence that risks can be mitigated.
Word total for Assessment 2 Part B should be 1,250 words (-/+10%). Support your work with evidence from your research. Include at least 4 academic sources including course readings as references, as in text citations, where appropriate (please refer to Referencing below).
Both parts to this assessment task should include appropriate academic referencing and a reference list following APA 6th edition style of referencing. Please see the Academic Skills page on Blackboard for information on referencing in APA 6th ed.: https://laureateau.blackboard.com/webapps/blackboard/conten/listContent.jsp?course_id=_20163_1&content_id=_2498849_1
As a student, you have responsibility with regard to your academic conduct whilst studying. This
conduct is clearly outlined in the Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure document. Please review
this document before submission.
Submission Instructions:
Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Submit Part B by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT End Module 5.2 (Sunday of Week 10) via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in Blackboard. The learning facilitator will provide feedback via the
Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
The Learning Rubric below is your guide to how your assessment will be marked. Please be sure to check this rubric very carefully before submission