Gaussian Model Assessment Questions
Consider the looping plume form due to windy conditions, and recall that the Gaussian model presumes a normal curve distribution. What problems do you perceive that a Gaussian model might pose when attempting to exclusively use this model in variable wind areas? How do you think the shape of the looping plume could affect the statistical model assumptions inherent in the Gaussian model?
Oil field companies are often known for keeping a well-serviced fleet of trucks for their staff employees, including often replacing these trucks for aesthetic purposes in order to maintain a strong marketing position within their competitive marketplace of client oil and gas producers. One of the most notable deteriorations of oil field service vehicles with relatively little age and mileage is the exterior paint coating of the vehicle. What air pollutants might be responsible for the deterioration of the vehicle paint color, luster, and integrity? Carefully explain your answer from a chemical perspective.
Consider Godish, Davis, and Fu’s (2014, p. 250) Figure 7.5; the fact that the reported industry practice is to accept sample data within 10% of the true value for statistical sampling methods and within 25% of the true value for passive sampling methods.
What problems do you perceive that this practice could pose when attempting to generalize air quality study outcomes? If you were the environmental engineer for a company tasked with monitoring emissions, reflect on how you would explain to management the benefits of stricter tolerances in your company’s monitoring.