Getting Green Done Book Review

Getting Green Done Book Review

“Getting Green Done” book by Schlender takes a realistic and closer look at the issue of climatic changes. The author uses an example of the Aspen Skiing Company where he was the executive director. He points out the sustainability strategies that the company put in place. Some worked while others did not, (Schindler, 2009)

The main ideas from the book include the fact that environmental degradation is taking place, (Popenhelmer, 2012). According to the author, business activities are the main blame for this. There is need for an immediate change. However, the book shows that going green is not easy, and also it is not profitable for companies as the environmentalists try to make it look like in their campaigns.  This is a clear reason as to why many companies are not very keen on this. The author makes it clear that, while it is important to establish and realize green projects, the bottom line is that companies have clients to satisfy and are also seeking to make profits.

Drawing from his experience as an executive director, Schindler confirms that real environmental changes can only be achieved though big business organizations making of harsh decisions and policies, (Hiskes, 2009). So as to bring about meaningful environmental changes, business organizations need to make decisions that have monetary value based on their models.

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