GOVT 2305: Federal Government

GOVT 2305: Federal Government

This test is worth 50 points towards your grade. There are ten questions, each worth 5 points. Each question should be answered as completely as possible, requiring an itemized list, a short answer (3-5 sentences) or a short essay answer, comprising of one or two paragraphs. Use all provided resources to answer the questions. This test is due no later than 11:59 pm on Sunday, January 31st, 2021. Late tests are subject to the conditions established in the syllabus.
Questions will be provided as listed; answers are to be submitted in typed form, preferably as a Microsoft Word document. Then, please attach your document to the appropriate place in Blackboard. If there are any questions regarding this procedure, please do not hesitate to contact me. Good luck to all!

  1. Define the terms politics and government.
  2. How do we define the term power as it pertains to government and politics? Also, what is the difference between direct democracy and representative democracy?
  3. In the United States, we have a limited government. What is meant by limited government, and how does that contribute to liberty and equality?
  4. What were some of the weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation? (Identify at least four)
  5. What was the “Great Compromise” relative to the framing of the Constitution? What were the provisions of this Compromise?
  6. Define the terms separation of powers and checks and balances? Provide three examples of checks held by any three branches of our government.
  7. Describe the process by which the Constitution is amended.
  8. What is federalism? What are some advantages and disadvantages of federalism?
  9. What are the three categories of power held by the national government?
  10. Briefly describe the US Supreme Court case McCulloch v. Maryland. What was the primary question before the Court and what did the Court decide?

Identify the four provisions contained in Article IV of the Constitution and briefly explain
each of these provisions.

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