HLSC122  Assessment 3: Critical Appraisal of Evidence

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HLSC122  Assessment 3: Critical Appraisal of Evidence

Assessment 3 Scenario, clinical question & research paper for critical appraisal


You are an ACU student undertaking a degree in the Health Sciences. You are studying part time, and working part time to support yourself and are concerned that your busy schedule might lead to burnout. At your workplace, you are required to attend a mandatory training program on stress prevention to promote the wellbeing of employees in your organisation. Firstly, you think this program will benefit you personally. Secondly, you think this program will benefit you because you want to deepen your understanding of the relationship between stress and resilience. You found a research paper on the topic and now you need to critically appraise the research paper.

Clinical question: Do higher levels of resilience prevent burnout in health science students?

Research Study

Harker, R., Pidgeon, A., Klaassen, F., & King, S. (2016). Exploring resilience and mindfulness as preventative factors for psychological distress burnout and secondary traumatic stress among human service professional. Work, 54(3), 631-637. Retrieved from:http://ezproxy.acu.edu.au/login?url=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ccm&AN=117046339&site=ehost-live&scope=site

Description: Students are required to demonstrate the ability to reflect on a health scenario and critically appraise the evidence (primary research paper) provided in relation to a health scenario. Students are required to identify strengths and limitations of a research paper at a beginning level. Finally, students are required to discuss the factors which influence the use of evidence in practice. The critical appraisal of evidence must be supported by a minimum of four (4) references which are valid and varied academic sources (e.g. Greenhalgh et al. 2017; Hoffman et al. 2017).

Instruction: Critically appraise the evidence provided (one research paper provided in LEO) and read the corresponding health scenario. The research paper should be accessed as a full text, and critically appraised using the questions identified in Part A & B,which are based on Greenhalgh et al. (2017).The research paper being critically appraised should be written as a full reference at the beginning of the essay (and included in the reference list). The paper should be referenced In-text according to APA (i.e. author, year). Writing in an essay format (introduction, body, conclusion,reference list) answer the questions in Part A and Part B. Small/short headings may be used. Do not repeat the questions or scenario.

Introduction: approximately 120 words (10%)

Body: 80%(960 words)

Part A

Consider the strengths and limitations (critically appraise) the research paper using the questions below.


  1. Discuss strengths and limitations of:
  2. authors’ expertise, based on their cited qualifications and affiliations;
  3. possible conflicts of interest or possible grounds for bias in the paper.

Research Questions

  1. State the research study’s question/s and present the author’s justification/s as to why their study was needed.

Research Design

  1. Discuss the research design and whether the research design was appropriate for the stated research question/s?

Research Methods

  1. Discuss strengths and limitations of methods the researchers used for: study participants and for collecting and analyzing data?


  1. Discuss whether the results/conclusions of the study answer the research study’s question/s.

Part B

  1. Identify the barriers to the application of evidence to practice (generic and specific).

Please divide body paragraph equally not more than 960 words in total.

Conclusion: approximately 120 words (10%)

Points to be noted before writing eassy:

  • Analyse: identify what are the strength and weakness of paper, weather it justify the given scenario or not ( highlighted by red)
  • Create a preliminary arguments: is paper systemic reviewed? Is this paper qualitative or quantitative or mixed of both. Is the research study paper primary evidence or secondary evidences based.

Make sure you used Evidence based practice languages or terms.

What are the major strengths of the study?

  • What are the major limitations of the study?
  • Was the study described in sufficient detail to facilitate a replication study?
  • What are the major contributions of this study to knowledge development in nursing?
  • What suggestions might enhance the study and correct the limitations?

Please use following text book as one of the reference:

Greenhalgh, T., Bidewell, J., Crisp, E., Lambros, A., & Warland, J. (2017). Understanding research methods for evidence-based practice in health (First ed.).

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