Lead Innovation Thinking and Practice

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Lead Innovation Thinking and Practice

Innovation Leadership Report Questions

  1. Leadership style and practice: Include a review of your leadership style and practice during the meeting in relation to modelling and supporting innovation. This should include the feedback you were given, as well as your own reflection.
  2. Leadership style and practice: Give a short evaluation of how you will refine your leadership approach based on your feedback and own reflection.
  3. Innovation Strategy Performance: Analyse and reflect on innovation performance
  4. Recommendations: Provide recommendations for improving innovation performance. Provide a rationale for your answer.
  5. Trends: Describe the current trends in the environment in which the King Edward VII College operates and that shape the company’s current and future thinking. This should include both external and internal trends.
  6. Organisational culture: Provide an evaluation of the culture of the organisation and its ability to foster individual and collective innovative thinking and creativity. This should also include an evaluation of the current resources that are available to ensure innovation occurs.
  7. Techniques and tools: Describe at least four techniques and tools that can be used to generate new ideas and thinking and that foster both personal and team innovation and creativity.
  8. Barriers and Risks: Identify and evaluate barriers and risks associated with introducing and maintaining innovation in an organisation and strategies to manage this.
  9. Innovative workplace conditions: Describe specific workplace conditions that encourage innovation. Your answer should include at least three. Assess their impact on individual and organisation-wide innovative thinking and creativity.
  10. Innovation drivers and enablers: Describe at least two innovation drivers and two innovation enablers.
  11. Integration: Assess requirements that would contribute to making innovation an integral and sustainable part of the College’s activities.
  12. Sharing and contributing to knowledge, ideas and practices: Outline processes that could be established in the College that would ensure that knowledge, ideas and practices are shared with staff and that all staff have the opportunity to contribute to innovative thinking and practices. Your answer should explain why you have selected the processes as suitable.
  13. Innovative processes, practices and products/services: Outline potential innovative processes and practices and products/services that could be adopted. These should also include strategies to foster a workplace culture of innovation. Your answer should explain why you have selected the process/practices and products and services, as well as strategies as suitable.
  14. Leadership style: Assessment of the most effective leadership style that will contribute to positive innovative thinking and practice. Include a reflection of how you could develop your own leadership style to model this.

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