Operation Management Strategy Decisions in Rawbank

Operation Management Strategy Decisions in Rawbank


In every given organization, the detailed study of the operations management and the productivity patterns in the organization is a crucial task to determine the operational status of the firm. Operations management entails the process of planning, supervising, and controlling service delivery, production, and manufacturing processes (Wang et al. 2015, pg. 275). Productivity, on the other hand, defines the measures of efficiency in transforming inputs into outputs. The report outlines the operations and productivity in firms, a case study of Rawbank, the largest commercial bank in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The bank is a full-service financial institution offering retail, corporate, and commercial banking services (Wu and Pagell 2011, pg. 579). The Rawbank is very productive; it had over 1800 staff members and a $2.1 billion balance sheet sum in the last financial year, 2019.

This report will focus on how the 10- operation management strategy decisions are addressed by Rawbank in its operations to achieve its success (Boriani et al. 2014, pg. 570). The productivity of Rawbank is mainly determined by how well the operation management strategies are integrated into its activities. The strategy decisions may include;

  1. The goods and services. Rawbank being a service industry, this will entail how the bank undertakes its operations to ensure customer satisfaction from its services.
  2. Quality management entails looking at the strategies adopted by Rawbank to ensure that it provides quality services to its customers.
  3. Capacity and process design. Capacity and design strategy involve looking at how the bank matches its operations with the available staff.
  4. Location strategy entails studying how Rawbank ensures that its services are easily accessible and available to the customers.
  5. The layout strategy involves looking at the design of the bank’s facilities and workflows to ensure a good working condition.
  6. Human resource and job design strategy. The strategy involves looking at how the bank’s human resource manages the employees to match their jobs.
  7. Supply chain management strategy. This strategy entails looking at the mechanisms in which Rawbank manages its supply chain (Chopra et al. 2013).
  8. Inventory management strategy. The strategy involves studying Rawbank to determine how various inventories and information are managed.
  9. Scheduling strategy. The strategy involves looking at how Rawbank undertakes its activities and whether automation has been integrated into the processes.
  10. Maintenance strategy. Maintenance decisions involve focusing on whether the bank’s information systems, databases, and servers are well managed.


A research methodology is a way in which researchers conduct their research. It is how researchers formulate their research problems and objectives and present results of the data obtained during the study (Kumar 2019).

There exist two main approaches in conducting a research, inductive, and deductive approach (Soiferman 2010).  An inductive approach involves the collection of the relevant data….End of Preview….

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