Planning Submission- an Essay

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Planning Submission- an Essay

Submission to a Current Planning Issue

Planning submission

  • Worth 20%
  • Word limit: 800 words
  • Due 26 April

Your assessment task is to write a submission to a current planning issue. For example, the department (DELWP) often seeks to consult the community on planning matters, lists of current and recent consultation processes that are being conducted can be found here:

 (Links to an external site.)

Links to an external site.

The planning issue is:

City of Melbourne Transport Strategy: City Space Links to an external site.

You will need to choose the scope of your submission — it could either be a detailed evaluation of a particular issue, or a general submission that covers many topics in less depth. The assessment task requires the preparation of a planning submission with a word limit of 800 words. The submission will be assessed on the quality of content and critical analysis, as well as the structure and written expression. Arguments must be supported by evidence and references need to be cited properly (i.e. Harvard style). Examples are encouraged. Planning Submission- an Essay



  • Write strong, clear statements about what is wrong with proposed policy, or what should change, or what parts should stay the same. Is there anything positive?
  • Give examples about why you have particular views.
  • Include evidence, case studies, or stories that illustrate your argument.
  • Make recommendations, not just suggestions.

A marking penalty of 5% per day will be applied to work submitted after due date and for which approval for extension or special consideration has not been received.