Principle and Practice – Assessment 1 Critical review

Principle and Practice – Assessment 1 Critical review

Length:  2000 words

Weighting:  50%

Objectives: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


Students are required to develop a professional response to the four scenarios described below that have occurred in early childhood settings with reference to the unit study materials, the NQS (ACECQA, 2018) and the EYLF (DEEWR, 2009). Students are to explain how they could resolve these scenarios based on perspectives of children, families and educators.


The scenarios are based on real life events in early childhood settings and relate to the early childhood principles and practices that have been explored over the first four weeks of the session.

Scenario 1

You are the teacher in the 2 year old room with 10 children. You run an Indoor-Outdoor program so that children can decide where they want to play. You share being indoors or outdoors with your co-worker. You have noticed that when your co-worker is outside she is often seen talking to other teachers and not supporting the children in their play. Your co-worker is well liked by children and families however you are concerned that better quality of care could be implemented especially outside by your co-worker.

What approach would you take to support staff member’s engagement in children’s learning and development whether inside or outside? How would you manage this situation so that your room and the centre maintains a harmonious atmosphere? Develop a professional response to this scenario and demonstrate your knowledge of staff relationships, the EYLF, the NQS and the unit material.

Scenario 2

You are the teacher in charge of the three year old room. One of children, Joey cries a lot throughout the day and is attached to you. Joey has been attending the centre two days per week for six weeks. You have found that if you move away from Joey he will start to cry. You are aware that other children seem to become sad when Joey cries. You have tried to support Joey to have an attachment to other staff but over three weeks this has not been happening. How would you manage this situation? Develop a professional response to this scenario and demonstrate your knowledge of relationships in ECEC, partnerships with families and staff, children’s learning and development; the EYLF, the NQS and the unit material.

Scenario 3

You are the early childhood teacher in the four year old room of a long day care centre open from 8am until 6pm each day that has been classes ad Exceeding in the National Quality Standards (ACECQA, 2018). Parents provide the food for their child while they are at the centre. Your centre has a healthy eating and nutrition policy, as well as a sustainable environment policy. Some parents are sending processed food such as potato crisps, or tiny teddy chocolate biscuits for their child’s food. You realise this is not only unhealthy but also contributes to waste, and so is a sustainability issue. Your centre’s sustainability policy states that waste should be minimised.

What approach would you take to support children’s health and learning? How would you work with the families and manage this situation so that your centre maintains a harmonious atmosphere? Develop a professional response to this scenario and demonstrate your knowledge of relationships, the environment, the EYLF, the NQS and the unit material to maintain in a good quality early childhood centre.

Scenario 4

You are the early childhood teacher in the infants’ room for 10 children aged from six months to 2 years old with two fellow educators. Juny aged 9 months attends four days per week. You overhear you’re your two colleagues saying that Juny should not be in care because the mother does not work full time, and the mother should eb looking after the child. When Juny’s mother comes to pick up Juny the educators are not very friendly. You realise you need to discuss approaches to families with your fellow educators. What principles and practices from the EYLF (DEEWR, 2009) and quality areas of the National Quality Standard (ACECQA, 2018) will inform your discussion. Why? How can you work to ensure that values expressed by your colleagues will change?

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