PSYC 200 – Parenthood 1989 Film Analysis

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PSYC 200 – Parenthood 1989 Film Analysis

Parenthood (1989) is a film that deals sensitively and humorously with family life and the stages of human development. The reciprocity between family members is poignant and mostly accurate (under the circumstances).  The film depicts normal and abnormal developmental issues. Using short synopses of scenes from the film to make your point, you will write a 3-5 typed page analysis (double-spaced, 12 point font), focusing on all of the following:

  • Each student MUST analyze the character, Gil, who is in his Middle Adulthood stage. Discuss whether Gil exhibits “generativity or stagnation”, Erikson’s developmental task for this age. Make sure you back up your decision with evidence from the movie. Also discuss how Gil is confronting and working through issues about his career, his family, his marriage and generally his household? (see Chapters 13 and 14 in textbook) (20 pts)
  • Each student MUST analyze Frank Buckman. Discuss the changes you see in the character Frank Buckman (Gil’s father) throughout the movie from Early Adulthood through Late Adulthood. Interpret the changes we see in Frank using Erikson’s Psychosocial crises in Early Adulthood, Middle Adulthood, and Late Adulthood providing examples of each stage from the movie (15 pts)
  • Choose one other character from either the Adolescent or one of the Childhood stages of Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory of Development. Discuss which of Erikson’s psychosocial crisis and issues specific to this character’s stage.  In what ways do the life and behavior or thoughts of this character relate to our text’s discussion on this stage? (15 pts) PSYC 200 – Parenthood 1989 Film Analysis
  • Since it is a goal of this semester to have developed a professional vocabulary to describe growth and development, please be sure to use terms from the text. It also is important that you demonstrate that you can apply the theories to real life.  Use scenes from the movie to support a point, but DO NOT simply reiterate large chunks of the film and not explain how or why they are significant. (10 pts)
  • Because you are expected to draw from the theory in the text, be sure to properly cite any references in your paper. You need a separate reference page for this assignment. APA format is required. (5 pts). Your paper will also be graded for grammar and spelling. Make sure you use spell check and read through your final paper. (5 pts)

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