Qur’an and Islam Practices Essay

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Qur’an and Islam Practices Essay

The Qur’an is known to be a collection of laws that were revealed to Muhammed by God, as early as 610 CE through 632 CE. It is also referred to as the Recitation because Muhammed didn’t write the Qur’an himself, he only spoke and taught what he was revealed by Allah. (Oxtoby, Amore, Hussain, & Segal. 219). Discoveries have shown that there are multiple forms of the Qur’an. Another form of the text is known as the Hadith, which is the narrative of Muhammed. This contains his “sayings” in writing (Oxtoby, Amore, Hussain, & Segal. 219). Muslims believe the Qur’an was first revealed in Arabic which was the language of the first audience. Therefore, any translation is an interpretation and not the actual Qur’an. The Qur’an is always to be recited in Arabic and then is typically followed by an interpretation of the text (Oxtoby, Amore, Hussain, & Segal 229). In the text, there are mentions of prophets all the way from Adam to Muhammed, as well as anyone who has absolute faith in the Lord and views him as the creator of all things in the Universe (Oxtoby, Amore, Hussain, & Segal 220). This text states that Islam is the eternal way for all of the universe according to God. The Qur’an also mentions judgment day and that one will be judged or rewarded based upon their acceptance or rejection of Islamic faith (Oxtoby, Amore, Hussain, & Segal 220).


Coming from a monotheistic religion, the studies in Islam are based around the idea of a one true God (Oxtoby, Amore, Hussain, & Segal 219). Islam is also known as a religion framed around humanity paying their “debt” to the divine (Zain 2). To be considered a Muslim typically, one is born into a family who already takes part in Islam practices. However, one can become Muslim by following the Shahadah tradition. This would be done before two witnesses who are already Muslim. This tradition is known as giving your profession to your faith. When this takes place, one would follow this scripture from the text, “I bear witness that there is no God except God, and I bear witness that Muhammed is the messenger of God” (Oxtoby, Amore, Hussain, & Segal 220).

The Qur’an was written around the idea of the word Islam, which means to be in submission to God. One who Practices Islam faith would be referred to as a Muslim which lies hand in hand with the meaning of Islam itself. To be Muslim means “the one who submits to God.” This also helps to determine these practices as monotheistic since it’s the worship of one God of the people.  The Qur’an began its formation when Muhammed received his first word from Allah in 610 CE (Oxtoby, Amore, Hussain & Segal 219).  Anything that was written in the Qur’an was God’s literal and direct speech, not just the word of God (Hamid, Pr.4). Qur’an and Islam Practices Essay

The final form of the Qur’an was put together by a committee within 20 years of the prophet’s death in 632 CE and was then given to his widow, Hafsah. This was one of the first copies of the Qur’an fully put together. Originally, it was composed on stones, bones, palm leaves, and animal parchments. Some of the copies existed in countless versions and phrases could be interpreted differently since vowel marks were not included until later. Each of these versions were properly arranged and done so by the prophet of Gabriel (Oxtoby, Amore, Hussain, & Segal 229).


Islam was based around the five pillars as said by the prophet himself. First, one must declare or bear witness that there is no god except God, and that Muhammed is the messenger of God. Second, one needs to establish regular worship, this consist of prayer five times a day. Third, pay to the Zakat Alms. Fourth, one needs to observe the fast of Ramadan; and lastly perform the Hajj, or pilgrimage to the Mecca once in their lifetime (Oxtoby, Amore, Hussain, & Segal 231). Whatever Muhammed said or did was done for the obedience of God and Muslims saw the Qur’an as the eternal word of God (Oxtoby, Amore, Hussain, & Segal 228).   In his lifetime, Muhammed was a theologist and would preach, was a politician, and showed acts of a warrior. He was a leader by governing new territory (Hamid, Par.1-3).

A lot of the practices in Islamic tradition are centered around history. The Qur’an is made in reference to Arab history and based around the age before Islam. This is referred to as the age of “foolishness” and “ignorance”. This was practiced by the ancient Hebrews and since they believe there was no afterlife, they believed one should live life to the fullest of their abilities while walking on land. They felt it was a time were people lack moral consciousness. As said in the Qur’an itself, “establish regular prayer and give regular charity; and loan to Allah a beautiful loan. Whatever good ye send forth for your souls shall find it in Allah’s Presence. Better and greater, in reward and seek ye the Grace of Allah: for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. (73:20; emphasis added)” (Zaine 2). This translation mentions how God desiring a loan requires one practicing good prayer and charity. This would show wisdom literature in helping one to know what they must do to be successful and faithful in God’s eyes (Al-Islam, Par.3).

There are many values to be observed by the reader of the Qur’an. This text appears to be a helpful guide for one who chooses to practice the spiritual Muslim religion. Offering the five pillars is a way for the believer to stay within the customs of the religion and reach their full potential Muhammed shared with them in his sayings and the Qur’an. It’s used today as a blessing and is read to a newborn and even used to seal new marriages or business deals (Oxtoby, Amore, Hussain, & Segal 229). Qur’an and Islam Practices Essay

When taking a closer look at Islam and other religions there are a few similarities. For example, in Islam, their God’s name is Allah which refers to the same God that is worshipped by other monotheistic religions such as Jewish, or Christianity practices. Like other monotheist cultures, Islam is the practice of human life. This starts with the creation of Adam and traditions end with a phoretic, which in this case would be Muhammed (Oxtoby, Amore, Hussain & Segal 219).  Islam differs from other monotheistic practices based upon how they worship. Muslims believe that the first official place of worship that was dedicated to their one true God was done so at the Ka’ba in the Mecca. This was built by Abraham and his son (Oxtoby, Amore, Hussain, & Segal 219). In Christianity, Jesus is seen as the word of God but through flesh.  Whereas in Islam, Muslims see the Qur’an as the word of God just in book form (Oxtoby, Amore, Hussain, & Segal 229). Islam also differs from other religions since it’s based around the law and often is categorized as being more political than a typical study of religion based upon its’ theories and practices (Hamid, Par. 1-4).

The Qur’an was most likely composed to help the Islamic people to understand how they should live day to day. For the original audience which was present around Muhammed, they were to follow his teachings and live as he did. Today, the texts remain with the same purpose of following Muhammed sayings and practices in their life. The same laws, such as the five pillars that were presented to the original audience is still practiced today and is expected to be followed. The text is very direct with its’ reader in expectations for a prosperous lifestyle. Between prayer, and serving to the poor, not much has changed for the Islam’s today. Qur’an and Islam Practices Essay

Works cited

Oxtoby, Willard Gurdon., et al. A Concise Introduction to World Religions. 3rd ed., Oxford University Press, 2015.

Ali, Zain. “Review: Islam: Religion, History, and Civilization.” Philosophy East and West, vol. 56, no. 3, 1 July 2006, pp. 495–497.

“Arabia before Islam.” Al-Islam.org, 10 Nov. 2013, www.al-islam.org/restatement-history-islam-and-muslims-sayyid-ali-ashgar-razwy/arabia-islam

Hamid, Shadi. “How Islam is Different from Other Religions” Quick Take https://web.a.ebscohost.com/ehost/pdfviewer June 2016. Par. 1-5.


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