Regulation of the Municipal Securities Market
Project 2 involves developing a presentation and paper to defend in the “affirmative” or “negative” one of the three following topics. For the presentation, a Power Point Presentation shall accompany the paper and be designed to communicate the paper content in an effective and efficient manner. It is strongly suggested that Power Point Presentations include “voice content” or “video content” for each slide to guide/direct the presentation. Audio/Video insert is available on most newer versions of Power Point.
Also, the written report/paper summarizes the research, findings, and arguments for/against. The paper portion of the assignment shall be limited to 10 pages or less, double spaced, 12 point font, Arial/New Times/Courier font.
Include 5-10 references
The Paper should include the following:
- Introduction to the topic
- Literature review of the issue you have selected
- Current status and reasoning for current status
- Argument for or against current status
The Paper and Power Point slides shall be submitted either as a merged file or as two separate files.
Affirmative or Negative
Topic B: Resolved: The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) should be granted the authority (by public law or by constitutional change) to regulate the municipal bond industry in the manner that it currently regulates the taxable or business and corporate bond market.