Research Methods Essay Discussion
Mark: Worth 70% of assignment mark, with a maximum of 35% allocated for each of the two research studies.
Within the essay, you must provide the title of the two studies you selected. For each of the selected studies, you will:
- describe the purpose of the research,
- identify and explain the research method used,
- discuss how the method is (or is not) appropriate for its intended purpose, and
- consider the advantages and limitations of that research method.
When explaining the research method, please be sure to include sufficient detail to demonstrate your understanding of that method within the context of the study.
- For example, if the researchers used an experiment, you should identify the independent variable(s) (IV) and dependent variable(s) (DV), and relate them to the purpose of the study.
- As another example, if the researchers used a correlational study, you should identify the variables whose relationship the researchers are interested in, identify the predictor and outcome variables (if relevant), and relate them to the purpose of the study.
You are strongly encouraged to choose two studies that use different research methods (e.g. experiment, quasi-experiment, correlational study, survey) and/or measures (e.g. quantitative or qualitative measures; self-report or behavioural measures) to give you an opportunity to demonstrate the breadth of your research methods knowledge.
You may choose to write this essay in whatever way you find most appropriate. For example, you may choose to write two separate essays (one for each of the selected studies), you may choose to write one essay (with separate paragraphs for each of the selected studies), or you may choose to write one essay that discusses the studies together. When deciding how to present the information, you should ensure that your arguments are clear and easy to follow.
- References, appendix and style
Mark: Worth 10% of assignment mark.
You must include the debriefing forms from the two studies in an appendix. You do not need to include all of the debriefing forms for the studies you participated in—only those two that are discussed in your essay.
Your assignment must be written in APA format.
- You must include a reference list at the end of your assignment in APA format.
- Your citations and references should match (i.e. if you cite something in the essay, it should appear in the reference list, and vice versa).
- Your essay should be written clearly, be free of grammatical and punctuation errors, and use APA referencing style.
Study one, u need to write 400 words about it
Consent Information Statement
Project Title
Principal Investigator: Dr Ben Bullock, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Swinburne University of Technology
Student Investigator: Mr Jason Douglas, Honours student, Swinburne University of Technology
What is the study about?
This study investigates personality (extraversion-introversion) and chronotype (morningness-eveningness) as predictors of subjective well-being (life satisfaction). Furthermore, the role of social activity (unstructured social activity) on these relationships is also being investigated.
What does participation involve?
Participation requires the completion of a 15-minute online survey that consists of self-report instruments that measure personality, chronotype, subjective well-being, and social activity. You will receive 0.5 REP credit points for your participation.
It is important to emphasise that:
- your participation in the study is voluntary
- all data provided is anonymous
- your decision to participate (or not) will not affect your academic evaluation / relationship with Swinburne University of Technology
- you are free to discontinue participation at any time without question or explanation
How will the data be used?
The data is being collected for the purposes of the student investigator’s Honours project. Data you provide will be analysed and reported on a group basis only. Individual responses will not be analysed or reported. All raw data will be stored securely for an indefinite period in a password-protected data file at Swinburne University of Technology. The anonymous data may be used by the principal investigator and members of his team in future research on related topics.
Participant rights and interests
If any aspect of your participation in this study raises sensitive issues for you, please consider making an appointment with a counsellor at Swinburne University of Technology’s Counselling and Psychological Service on (03) 9214 8483 or make an appointment online at: This service is free-of-charge for Swinburne students.
If you have any questions regarding the project, please contact:
- Dr. Ben Bullock, Senior Lecturer in Psychology
- Department of Psychological Sciences,
- Swinburne University of Technology,
- John Street, Hawthorn, VIC 3122,
- Telephone: (03) 9214 4358
- Email:
Concerns/complaints about the project – who to contact:
This project has been approved by or on behalf of Swinburne University’s Human Research Ethics Committee (SUHREC) in line with the National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research. If you have any concerns or complaints about the conduct of this project, you can contact:
Research Ethics Officer, Swinburne Research (H68),
Swinburne University of Technology, PO Box 218, HAWTHORN VIC 3122
Tel (03) 9214 3845 or +61 3 9214 3845 or
Your consent to participate is implied by starting the survey. If you do not wish to participate in this study simply close your internet browser.
Click the arrow to start the survey
- Australian English
- APA7 ( I will send quid for it)
- 400 words for each studies contain the four steps which provided above
- Please do not repeat the words in the paragraph
- I will send two HD examples u can follow but no copy pastes
- Thanks
Debriefing Statement
Project Title
Investigating the interacting effects of personality, chronotype, and social activity on subjective wellbeing.
Principal Investigator: Dr Ben Bullock, Senior Lecturer in Psychology, Swinburne University of Technology
Student Investigator: Mr Jason Douglas, Honours student, Swinburne University of Technology
You will need to copy and paste the following debrief information into a separate Microsoft Word (or similar word processing software) document. You will need this information for your end-of-semester document which details the Independent Variables, Dependent Variables, and aims of the studies you participated in.
DO NOT leave this page without copying and pasting the debrief information below, as you will not be able to access this page in the future.
Debrief information
Thank you for participating in this study! In this study you completed questionnaires about your personality (extraversion-introversion), chronotype (morning- or evening-orientation), current level of life satisfaction, and time spent participating in unstructured social activities. The independent variables were personality, chronotype, and unstructured social activity. The dependent variable was life satisfaction.
If you have any questions regarding the project, please contact Dr. Ben Bullock ( If any aspect of your participation in this study raised sensitive issues for you, please consider making an appointment with a counsellor at Swinburne University of Technology’s Counselling and Psychological Service on (03) 9214 8483 or make an appointment online at: This service is free-of-charge for Swinburne students.
Click the red arrow to exit the survey.
Study two u need to write 400 words about it
Memory, Identity and Stress
Principal Investigator: Prof Glen Bates, Clinical Psychology
Research Investigator: Peter Uhd
You will need to copy and paste the following debrief information into a separate Microsoft Word (or similar word processing software) document. You will need this information for your end-of-semester document which details the Independent Variables, Dependent Variables, and aims of the studies you participated in.
DO NOT leave this page without copying and pasting the debrief information below, as you will not be able to access this page in the future.
Debriefing Statement:
This study investigated how negative and positive self-related beliefs, and their related memories of significant events, are implicated in the maintenance and treatment of PTSS and social anxiety (SA). It was predicted that self-defining memories (SDM) high in subjectivity – specific and sensational details, would relate to higher reported symptoms of PTSS but not social anxiety. Thus, these subjective details of memories would directly predict PTSS but not SA. Additionally, it was predicted where SDM display higher levels of rationalising and integration of the experience into the individual’s overall life; this would relate to lower levels of PTSS and SA. Thus, an objective sense of self would directly predict lower levels of SA and PTSS.
To balance out confounding variables that may disrupt the observation of otherwise clear differences between the targeted variables, a short measure of recent depression was included.
To clarify,
The IV’s are PTSS and Social Anxiety, from the run of questions at the end of the survey.
the DV’s are
- Variable of objectivity. We code from themes (rationalizing and integration) within the narratives
- Subjective qualities (details). We obtain from questions on the images, sensations, intensity.
- Social or physical threat. Coded from the narrative. These should align with Social Anxiety and PTSS respectively
- I AM statements. How these align with Social Anxiety and PTSS respectively
Thank you for your participation. If you have any further questions, please contact Mr. Peter Uhd