SETT 2030: Intercultural Perspectives on Leadership

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SETT 2030: Intercultural Perspectives on Leadership

Research Paper Assignment


This assignment is worth 30% of your final grade. This research paper will be developed in 3 stages. Each one of those stages is worth 10% of your final mark


This assignment provides you with the opportunity to engage in an individual research project on trending topics in the settlement services sector relevant to SETT 2030.


Section A (Academic journal)

This is an individual assignment. Please read all the instructions before you begin.

  1. Read carefully the following topics (they come from the course outline). As you are in the final stages of your program and some SETT2030 classes have already taken place, you might be familiar with most of these topics.
    1. Leadership Styles
    2. Multiculturalism, cross-culturalism, and inter-culturalism
    3. Understanding and Embracing Cultural Differences
    4. Culture and Social Organization
    5. Culture Shock, Intercultural Communication, and Cultural Barriers
    6. Leadership in Different Cultures
    7. Leadership and Intercultural Competences
    8. Best Practices in Settlement Services
    9. Culturally Relevant Settlement Program
  2. Select one of those topics to write an academic journal about it.
  3. Submit a two-page academic journal that includes the following:
    1. Academic Concept
      • Two concepts that are important to understand or reflect on this topic
      • Make sure that you use APA citation style to clearly reference the source of your definition. If you do not use proper citation you will lose 50% of your marks
    2. Personal relevance:
      1. Why did you choose the topic?
      2. How will it relate to your career in the settlement services field?
  1. These are all the same instructions we have use in previous classes to write academic journals.
  2. Journals are structured written pieces with an introduction (definition of a concept), body (explanation of you examples), and conclusion.
  3. Journals are not point-form thoughts.
  4. Assignments must be in Word or another .doc, .docx or PDF and submitted in the Moodle assignment dropbox. No paper assignments will be accepted.
  5. Late assignments will not be received. Exception will be made in cases supported by appropriate medical documentation or with a prior arrangement with your instructor.

Marking Guide (Total: /10 marks)  

Clarity and complexity of definition – 3 marks

  • Clearly defines lived experience
  • Demonstrates the complexities and importance of lived experience in understanding oppression

Includes relevant examples – 3 marks

  • Provides examples of lived experiences and the ways in which they help the author personally in understanding oppression

Organization, cohesiveness, and writing style – 2 marks

  • Presents the overall analysis within a larger cohesive picture
  • Organizes ideas logically
  • Journal is clearly written

Writing Mechanics – 2 marks

  • Uses correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, sentence structure


Section C – Final Research Essay

After receiving instructor’s feedback on your annotated bibliography review your journal and identify how the readings you did enhance your understanding of the topic and either prove or disproves some of your preliminary thoughts. Thus, based on your journal and your annotated bibliography write a 4 pages research paper with a clear thesis stamen, three main argumentative points and a conclusion. Make sure that your research paper clearly includes the research you have done.

Do not use subtitles to identify each one of these sections. If you use subtitles they should reflect the way you are discussing the topic.

  1. Introduction: catch the attention of the reader and deliver a clear thesis statement. Give a map of the paper.
  2. Body: The body should have three main points that reflect the contents of your paper.
  3. Conclusion: Summary of the introduction and body of paper and the outcome and findings of your research.
  4. References page
  5. This final research paper should incorporate all the feedback given by the instructor
  6. The title page, abstract, and references are additional pages.
  7. The rubric below will be used for grading, and marks will be deducted for grammar, organization, the development of the paper, and any absent criteria.
  8. Formatting
    1. Follow the APA formatting and citation guidelines for all submissions.
    2. Use the NorQuest College library site for assistance: NorQuest College Library APA 6th Edition
  9. All submissions must be uploaded to the Moodle assignment drop box on the due date outlined by the instructor.

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