Strategic Human Resource Development 

Strategic Human Resource Development 


Human resource development (HRD) plays a key role in developing human expertise, which underpins organisational capabilities such as talent management, innovation, and collaboration. As such, HRD is associated with change, learning and improved performance at an individual and organisational level.


Discuss to what extent HRD is a source of competitive advantage for achieving strategic goals in a constantly changing, considering links with other SHRM practices.

Potential Structure:

1. Introduction

2. Discuss what HRD is and how it underpins organisational capabilities

3. Discuss HRD options for supporting organisational capability and competitive advantage, e.g.,

  • Talent Management
  • Innovation
  • Collaboration

4. Examine links between individual performance and organisational performance

5. Discuss how HRD can support organisational capability in a change environment

6. Explain how the various elements of SHRM can be interconnected to deliver strategic goals

7. Conclusion

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