Studies of Religion 2
Religious Pedagogy
Nature of Religion and Beliefs
COURSE: PRELIMINARY STAGE: 6 UNIT: Nature of Religious and Beliefs 22 Hours | |
Unit Focus:
The focus of this study is the ways in which principal beliefs along with their scriptural foundations that serve as evidence in the lived expressions of Christianity.
Overarching Unit Statement:
This study introduces students to the develop a program related to the work in concern of the Studies of the Religion preliminary Christianity Depth Study that is essential for the students in order to make the extensive, insightful and the appropriate links to the Religion Education documentation.The unit covers some differentiation of the assessment for learning and the literacy strategies in the teaching area. In a similar manner, the learning outcomes or the indicators of learning, the integration of the assessment, and the nominated pedagogical strategies. The units aim at extensive student engagement with insightful and appropriate content.
Preliminary Outcomes – A student:
P3 investigates religious traditions and belief systems P4 examines significant aspects of religious traditions P5 describes the influence of religious traditions in the life of adherents P6 selects and uses relevant information about religion from a variety of sources P7 undertakes effective research about religion, making appropriate use of time and resources. P8 uses appropriate terminology related to religion and belief systems P9 effectively communicates information, ideas and issues using appropriate written, oral and graphic forms
Essential Question(s):
a) What are the various religious traditions and belief systems? b) What are some significant aspects of religious traditions? c) How the religious traditions influence in the life of its adherents
Incorporating a Catholic Emphasis: | |
While teaching this unit in the context of a Catholic Religious Education program it will be expected that:
1. Every lesson will start with prayer, meaningful to students. The prayer should include references to Church teachings and lived experience that relates to this unit’s content. 2. At some stage in this unit, Catholic teaching regarding the innate human response to the transcendent will be incorporated. 4. Catholic teaching should be a foundational principle in approaching this unit.
Catechism of the Catholic Church: 27 The desire for God is written in the human heart because man is created by God and for God; and God never ceases to draw man to himself. Only in God will he find the truth and happiness he never stops searching for. 28 In many ways, throughout history down to the present day, men have given expression to their quest for God in their religious beliefs and behaviour: in their prayers, sacrifices, rituals, meditations, and so forth. These forms of religious expression, despite the ambiguities they often bring with them, are so universal that one may well call a man a religious being. 34 With his openness to truth and beauty, his sense of moral goodness, his freedom and the voice of his conscience, with his longings for the infinite and for happiness, a man questions himself about God’s existence. In all this, he discerns signs of his spiritual soul. The soul, the ‘seed of eternity we bear in ourselves, irreducible to the merely material’ can have its origin only in God.
The Church teaches that the one true God, our Creator and Lord, can be known with certainty from his works, by the natural light of |
Assessment Evidence: Formal (GRASPS) (Goal, Role, Audience, Situation, Product, Standards) ● Assessment Task #1 Response to Stimulus – In Class
Assessment Evidence: Informal (GRASPS)
(Goal, Role, Audience, Situation, Product, Standards) ● In class responses to short answer questions ● Multiple Choice style response ● Collection of CAF for Case Studie |
Nature of Religion and Beliefs: BIBLIOGRAPHY | |
Texts and Teacher Background
King, Rosemary et al. Oxford Studies of Religion Preliminary and HSC Course, South Melbourne: Oxford University Press, 2010 Coleman, N. Spotlight Studies of Religion Preliminary, Science Press, 2006 Eliade, M. Essential Sacred Writings from Around the World, Harper Collins, San Francisco, 1992 Farrington, K. Historical Atlas of Religions Thalamus Publishing, 2002 Lovat, T. et al, Studies Of Religion, 3rd Ed., Social Science Press, Victoria, 2005 |
● Painting Country (Ronin Films) ● Lousy Little Sixpence ● Rabbit Proof Fence
Multimedia Resources
● Bringing Them Home: the ‘Stolen Children’ report
Students Textbook:
Living Religion (4th Edition) Pearsons Education. Janet Morrissey, Adam Taylor, Greg Bailey, Peter Mudge, Paul Rule, Nicola Edghill. |
Students learn about | Students learn to | Teaching and learning strategies | Resources | Assessment |
1. The divinity and humanity of Jesus Christ – Outline of the principal beliefs regarding the divinity and humanity of Jesus Christ
2. The Christian understanding of revelation
Define the divinity and humanity
discuss a transcendent of death and resurrection of Jesus Christ
discuss the nature of God and the Trinity dwelling within the individual define the characteristics of religion |
Introduction to the unit:
Content outline, class tasks and expectations, Outcomes, vocabulary List, etc. Understanding what is Religion – Readout various definitions of and quotes about religion on the PPT. Provide PPT on humanity and divinity – Pairs of students talk about the statements, trying to decide if they agree or disagree with each and ascertaining their reasons regarding agreement and disagreement. – When pairs have completed their discussion, the teacher may wish to convene the whole group to continue the discussion of the meaning of divinity and humanity in human life.
Understanding what is a worldview Describe God’s three functions? Ask students to examine the meaning of creedal formulas from Nicaea and Chalcedon ● View YouTube Video: What is divinity and humanity’s role in life? · Illustrate the role of each person within the Trinity.
● VOCABULARY: Define for the students the concept of humanity and divinity that gives a human a sense of order and meaning. ● Students create a digital collage of their own humanity and divinity (1 slide) using images, quotes, words, songs, news headlines, youtube clips (etc) ● Students create a 1-page reflection explaining their collage.
Acknowledging the supernatural dimension ● BRAINSTORM: Ask students to complete a KWL on the term – ‘Revelation’. ● Discuss this as a class. Go through the various definitions of the supernatural using Slides: The Supernatural ● DISCUSSION: Discuss ways in which the supernatural is able to provide an understanding of the elements of existence that occur beyond the natural world (Living Religion pg. 4 provides a definition of supernatural). ● PPT: Use notes on the PPT and from Living religion to create six true or false questions about the meaning of Salvation. Share your document with the teacher
Defining the immanent and transcendent worldviews: ● Construct a table to compare the meanings of those two worldviews. Discuss these in light of Christianity and Buddhism. ● Students view various images and decide whether they are representing an Immanent or transcendent worldview. ● Students are then to find their own image that clearly represents a transcendent worldview and write a paragraph to explain this.
Understanding the Characteristics of Religion ● Students read through the characteristics of religion using p5-6 of Living Religion. Using this information as well as their own research students will be formed into a group of 5, allocated one of the major religions and asked to complete a shared form based on the characteristics of religion. ● The teacher will then provide students with the results of their form and ask each group to agree on the examples provided for each of their religions. ● In summary, each student creates ten multiple-choice questions, in groups of three students, create a 20 question multiple-choice quiz about the characteristics of religion. These will be collated by the teacher and used to assess student understanding of this dot point.
Hand-Out: Course outline; Vocabulary List;
Nature of Religion PPT
Living Religion: pp2-4. YouTube: Hand-Out: What is the life and teachings of Jesus? Living Religion: p4. Handout: Christian understanding of Salvation
Moodle: o Matthew 26:1-28:20 o Mark 14:1-16:20 o Luke 22:1-24:53 o John18: 1-21:14
Living Religion Pg 4 & 5 PPT: Immanent and Transcendent Dimension Characteristics of Religion – Google Form. Living Religion. p4. |
Students present and explain their digital collage to the class.
Informal Presentation In groups of no more than 6 students will present their image and explanation to the small group. The other student will ask questions about the choice of image. The teacher will observe student understanding and may continue to discuss interesting points with the whole class in a plenary session. Multiple Choice Quiz Created by the teacher from the questions that the students have provided. This mark will be recorded.
Students learn about | Students learn to | Teaching and learning strategies | Resources | Assessment |
· The death and resurrection of Jesus Christ
· The nature of God and the Trinity
· Revelation
· Salvation
define the supernatural dimension
discuss a transcendent religious worldview which has a belief in divine power and/or powers beyond the human discuss an immanent religious worldview which has a belief in a divine being or powers dwelling within the individual define the characteristics of religion |
Introduction to the unit:
Content outline, class tasks and expectations, Outcomes, vocabulary List, etc. Understanding what is Religion – Readout various definitions of and quotes about religion on the PPT. – Pairs of students talk about the statements, trying to decide if they agree or disagree with each and making notes about their reasons. – When pairs have completed their discussion, the teacher may wish to convene the whole group to continue the discussion of the meaning of Religion and its purpose in human life.
Understanding what is a worldview What is a worldview? Deconstruct the word itself asking students to guess its meaning. ● View YouTube Video: What is your purpose in life? As students to consider the same questions as the people in the video. ● VOCABULARY: Define for the students the concept of worldview as that system of understanding that gives a human a sense of order and meaning. ● Students create a digital collage of their own worldview (1 slide) using images, quotes, words, songs, news headlines, youtube clips (etc) ● Students create a 1-page reflection explaining their collage.
Acknowledging the supernatural dimension ● BRAINSTORM: Ask students to complete a KWL on the term – The Supernatural. ● Discuss this as a class. Go through the various definitions of the supernatural using Slides: The Supernatural ● DISCUSSION: Discuss how the supernatural explains the elements of existence that occur beyond the natural world (Living Religion pg. 4 provides a definition of supernatural). ● PPT: Use notes on the PPT and pg. 4 of Living religion to create six true or false questions about the meaning of The Supernatural. Share your document with the teacher
Defining the immanent and transcendent worldviews: ● Construct a table to compare the meanings of those two worldviews. Discuss these in light of Christianity and Buddhism. ● Students view various images and decide whether they are representing an Immanent or transcendent worldview. ● Students are then to find their own image that clearly represents a transcendent worldview and write a paragraph to explain this.
Understanding the Characteristics of Religion ● Students read through the characteristics of religion using p5-6 of Living Religion. Using this information as well as their own research students will be formed into a group of 5, allocated one of the major religions and asked to complete a shared form based on the characteristics of religion. ● The teacher will then provide students with the results of their form and ask each group to agree on the examples provided for each of their religions. ● In summary, each student creates ten multiple-choice questions, in groups of three students, create a 20 question multiple-choice quiz about the characteristics of religion. These will be collated by the teacher and used to assess student understanding of this dot point.
Hand-Out: Course outline; Vocabulary List;
Nature of Religion PPT – slide 3 Living Religion: pp2-4. YouTube: HO: What is a worldview? Living Religion: p4. PPT: The Supernatural
Living Religion Pg 4 & 5 PPT: Immanent and Transcendent Dimension Characteristics of Religion – Google Form. Living Religion. p4. |
Students present and explain their digital collage to the class.
Informal Presentation In groups of no more than 6 students will present their image and explanation to the small group. The other student will ask questions about the choice of image. The teacher will observe student understanding and may continue to discuss interesting points with the whole class in a plenary session. Multiple Choice Quiz Created by the teacher from the questions that the students have provided. This mark will be recorded.