Technology and Innovation Management

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Technology and Innovation Management

In 2,500 words, answer the following questions in detail:

  1. Discuss in scholarly detail what you believe are the key characteristics that the organization’s plan must have if a gap analysis is to be successful?
  2. If you are part of an organization that has an innovative strategy, discuss in scholarly detail the key inputs from the environment that you need to implement the strategy? Also support this essay response with an originally designed flow diagram illustrating these inputs for implementation into the strategy.
  3. As a student, you are evaluated periodically during the semester and at the end of the semester. Do you ever change the process that you use in studying in hopes of affecting the outcome? Give an example and also discuss why the nature of this effort and philosophy would be important if you were in a work environment supporting technology innovation and management.
  4. Discuss in scholarly detail what information is most critical for the firm to gather and analyze during each step of the innovation project process?
  5. Find a project you are interested in which can be fictional. Discuss in scholarly detail the types of documents that would be needed to carry the project through. What are the advantages of using these types of documentation for your project? Are there disadvantages? In addition to this essay, be very illustrative showing examples of the types of documents as integrated objects copied or pasted into the document. For example, one type of possible document in this case is a budget sheet and a simple budget sheet created in Microsoft Excel can be copied and pasted into Microsoft Word.


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