The Public Health Issue of Opioid Addiction
Describe the public health issue of opioid addiction. Research the current state of the issue before COVID-19 but also what public health experts think is happening during but also what is likely to happen after COVID-19. Use a mix of sources (Peer-Reviewed articles, organization reports, and briefs) to justify and reference your statements. Do not use information from random non-government websites. Try to answer the following questions and incorporate the answers into your writing (but do not list the questions in the paper).
- Based on your research findings what did you find most problematic about the issue of opioid addiction?
- What do public health experts think is happening during COVID-19 to people who suffer from opioid addiction?
- Is there a post-pandemic plan to re-focus on opioid addiction?
- Overall how do you feel about what you have learned about the topic of Public Health and how has this learning helped you better understand public health issues.
Use APA formatting (APA 7th. Edition), Times New Roman font size 12, double-spaced with a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 10 Pages (this page count excludes title and references pages).
It should contain a title, introduction, discussion, conclusion, and references. Review the attachment ” APA Titles” in this folder to help you understand what each section should contain.
Please review the grading rubric for the reflection paper on the syllabus. Use no less than 10 appropriate references, remember to use in-text citations using APA formatting and have all sources cited in the references list.
Requirements: 7 Pages