Trade and Investment in Asia Report

Trade and Investment in Asia Report


Develop a market entry report for a company that is considering engaging with Asia as a new market. The company is considering the opportunities available within Asia as a new/future market and with Asia as a trading/investment partner, and which further ideas are worth pursuing.  (Learning outcomes 2,3,4, 5)

Case Scenario

Please read the article the economist Ross Garnaut published on The Australian Economics Review on 2010: Australian Opportunities through the Chinese Structural Transformation


Write the final report including the following key points:

  • Explain the Chinese structural transformation and summarize and review the article
  • Describe and review the development of Australia China and Australia China Economic Relationship in the last 10 years since the publish of the article
  • Review the change and development in the last 10 years in the global economy in regarding the Australia China Economic Relationship
  • Your view of the future of the Australia and Your country or China (you choose one) economic relationship in the next 10 years.

This will cover:

  • The relationship broadly, in the context of the world economy

More specifically addressing the following points:

  • Your country or China as a market for either our commodities, OR as a market for more complex goods and services
  • Your country or China as an investor, OR as a destination for investment
  • Your country or China as a competitor
  • Report format (approx. 2500 words no more than 3000 words); Executive summary (200 – 500 words)


  • Refer to the article and what context/issues it sets up
  • Refer to structural transformation
  • Refer to what will be covered


  • Past 10 years
  • Next 10 years, broadly
  • Next 10 years related to China as a market for commodities, an investor, a competitor


  • Summarising key points and noting what next/implications for Australia

References (not counted within word count)


Include information about how to submit the task and in what format (e.g. Word, Excel).

E.g. Please submit your Assessment 3: final report as a [format] to Assessment 3 – Dropbox Group Project.

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