21036 Managing Strategic Performance

21036 Managing Strategic Performance

Reflective Essay (Individual) (40%)

This subject has given you the opportunity to work as a group to analyse the performance management practices of real-world organisations and critique the effectiveness of performance management in future human resource practice. At the conclusion of this subject, you are now required to combine your newfound knowledge and apply it to your personal experience working in groups towards the group presentation (Assignment 1).

Your Task

  1. Briefly summarise your experiences with the group assessment (10%)
  2. Drawing on relevant, concrete examples from your group work, evaluate the performance of each of your group members, including yourself (10%)
  3. Critically analyse and evaluate how your group managed its own performance in preparation for the assessment (35%)
  4. Drawing on relevant theories from across the subject consider (a) how you will apply the skills you have learnt in this subject to future real world situations, and (b) how you will manage performance differently if your encounter similar experiences in the future (35%)

The remaining 10% of the overall grade will be allocated to your essay presentation, style and written communication (see Marking Criteria on next page).

Submission and Format

  • Please submit via Turnitin on UTS Online (under ‘Assessments’ tab).
  • Length: 1,500 words, excluding reference list.
  • Introduction and Conclusion: please include these in your submission and make sure they are succinct.
  • Referencing: include a reference list and in-text referencing in accordance with the APA Referencing Style – https://www.lib.uts.edu.au/help/referencing/apa-referencingguide
  • Late submissions will incur a penalty (see Subject Outline for more information on late submissions and requirements for requesting an extension).
  • Tutor support: Students will have a period of 4 days following the release of the assignment (in the Week 12 lecture) to ask any questions about the assignment from their Tutor

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