Teachers Collaboration Importance

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Teachers Collaboration Importance

Five components for the capstone project:

  1. A careful, complete description of the existing problem and a thorough delineation of the proposed solution: Despite all efforts that provide by ministry of education the performance of our students is still unsatisfactory. we have one of the highest levels of educational spending, Yet saudi students’ performance in international comparisons of educational quality is consistently poor. According to The World Economic Forum rely on executive opinion survey (2018): how do you assess the quality of Math and Science education. Saudi Arabia came in 66th from 137 nations. Also The BBC said the conclusion of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development that outlined its finding in a report ranking countries’ school system based on students math and science test scores of the 76 countries ranked the bottom 10 are Saudi Arabia at 66th followed by Colombia, Peru, Oman, Morocco, Honduras, South Africa and Ghana in last place. Our students need that excellent teaching to close achievement gaps and develop higher order thinking skills to apply what they learn. How can do this for all our students year after year? In most our schools in Saudi Arabia teachers work alone without the support they crave, excellent teachers have no roles that help all others excel, principles feel overwhelmed with too many teachers to guide and support.
  2. A comprehensive explanation of both the philosophy of education and the learning theories on which the proposed solution is based: like based on organizational change theories and teacher collaboration or teachers collegiality theory, progressive education theory.(my solution to this problem is rooted.


  1. An analysis of prior research supporting the proposed solution. ( My solution is supported by numerous studies for example name 8 studies at least with citation each).
  2. A detailed action plan that includes a budget,a timetable, the exact persuasive e arguments to be made to various constituencies (e.g. parents, students, colleagues, civic leaders, potential funders , local or regional administrators, ministry of education): what are the challenges to putting my idea (collaboration teachers) into practice in Saudi Arabia ? and how to overcome the challenges standing in the way of high quality teacher collaboration? lack of planning, collaboration or reflection time. Many teachers have little time with in the school day to do so 20 minuets lunch periods or five minutes between classes is not enough time to have meaningful discussions, norms of teacher autonomy, isolation and limited institutional support from principles.  There some points that we need in our schools to make collaboration a priority such as administrative support, additional planning time , related beliefs about teaching and mutual respect of one another Some suggestions to address that administrators are rethinking how to structure the school day to value teachers collaboration work achieved through carful scheduling and clarity about how to use that time. Employ skilled paraprofessional to help teachers reach more students gain the new planning and collaboration time.
  3. An evaluation and assessment plan with formative and summative components that help determine success and problems in order to guide the proposed solution to a long term successful conclusion.

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