International Dimensions of HRM

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International Dimensions of HRM (INB340)

Title of the project: Compensation and benefits; study of Multinational Corporation

Use secondary data for research and use any of these three companies for the project (apple, google, Toyota). All the chapters related to this course are included in “” file. You can find the project samples that the professor provided in “Project” the titles are different but you can see the format. Please use journals for the references.

Recommended Structure of Research Paper   

1- Cover Page (Title, Key words)

2- Table of Contents

3- Abstract (Statement of research problem, problem identification)

4- Introduction (Clarification of basic terms and concepts, Background to the research problem,)

5- Literature Review and Topic Statement (Context and Objectives of the research)

6- Research design and Methodology

7- Results and Analysis (Chosen sector vis-a-vis theory/ concept – Results and recommendations)

8- Recommendations (Optional)

9- Conclusion

10- References


Details of Research Proposal

To establish that the candidate has:

  • a viable and researchable problem
  • an acceptable plan of action for undertaking the research
  • done sufficient preparation to establish the rationale for the research
  • a feasible chance of completing the research

For a master’s thesis, candidates must prove that they have an advanced knowledge in a particular problem in the industry in which they have done their research, are able to analyse and set it out logically, are able to arrive at logical conclusions or a diagnosis, and are then able to make proposals for the improvement/elimination of the problem. (QFE Level 9).


The title should be concise, as long titles are cumbersome to accommodate in information retrieval systems. Select appropriate key words or phrases, and avoid rambling and meaningless statements such as: An investigation into the possibility of conducting research in . . . Do not start a title with a present participle, such as Investigating, or Analysing. The title should rather read: An analysis of…..


Give up to 5 specific keywords or phrases, which will be used to index your research in relevant databases.

 Statement of research problem – – Problem identification

This is the heart of the proposal. Normally a sentence, or at most a paragraph, is all that is required to describe exactly what the problem is. Many candidates have difficulty in describing the problem: instead they list the objectives, outcomes, needs or other irrelevant aspects.

Furthermore, “researchers often indulge in jargon, which seems to obscure rather than explain what the research problem is”. Candidates should ensure that the problem and their objectives remain the focus of their thinking and writing.

 Clarification of basic terms and concepts

The same words may have different connotations to people, especially if they work in various disciplines. List and clarify or define the main words and concepts that you will use in your research. It may also be useful to provide a list of abbreviations and acronyms with their full names, e.g. SMME. Commonly used abbreviations/acronyms (such as UK, USA) need not be included.

Background to the research problem

Since the statement of the problem should be very brief, it is necessary to explain separately what the background to the problem is. Clarify the area of concern, or what needs justify the research (this could be a sub-heading). Any information that helps the evaluator to understand the problem may be included. Indicate why you believe that it is, in fact, a researchable problem. This section could be combined with the literature review, or form a sub-section of it.

Literature Review

An adequate literature review is required in all research proposals, especially if funding is required. The purpose of the literature review should:

  • Provide evidence to the faculty research committee that you are well acquainted with past and current research in the field of study.
  • Prove that the thesis/dissertation will not duplicate past or current research.
  • Indicate how the intended research relates to similar and past research; in other words, the literature review positions your research within the existing body of knowledge.

Some faculties also require candidates to indicate, from their review of the relevant literature, what related aspects require further research.

The literature review must provide a rationale for the choice of problem, or a theoretical framework for the study, and that too often, this is missing.

In the final report, a much more complete and extensive list of References (all sources cited) or a Bibliography (more comprehensive) will have to be presented than in the initial review.

Too often the literature review does not correspond with the aims of the research. A specific comment of faculty is that many candidates “took the review of literature as a perfunctory task and therefore there was no contribution to or advancement of the intellectual debate”.

References to consult:

  • ProQuest
  • Business source complete (EBSCO)
  • Global Data
  • CBCA Complete

The above are all available on CUD Electronic Resources

It is important that doctoral candidates consult the international database listed above before registering a title.

Consult librarians. They will assist you in searching the various periodical indexes and abstracting and full-text services.

Indicate what key words/indexing terms, databases, vendors and search engines you have used. Databases and search engines should not be cited in your list of references.

Objectives of the Research

Clarify the aims and objectives of the research. Where feasible, objectives should be divided into main and subsidiary objectives, and should be numbered. The Faculty evaluate whether the objectives are well articulated and whether they are realistic and attainable. In writing the proposal, it is important to remain focused on the objectives.

 Research Design and Methodology

This is a cornerstone of the research proposal, and therefore a critically important section. Failure to address it properly can lead to the research proposal’s rejection and even to the rejection of the final report.  While you may not be able to give final details of your methodology at the research proposal stage, it is important to give a sound provisional indication so that the evaluator is satisfied that your methodology is relevant and acceptable. Here you will describe the methods you chose to use in order to reach your objective which is to find pertinent answers to the questions you developed in the topic statement. In the case of an empirical project (in which, for example, you would need to give a questionnaire to individuals or companies) you will be required to describe the sample’s characteristics (average age, gender representation, number of employees, questionnaire used, and all other important characteristics). In other words, you will be required to show that you know what you are doing.

Clarify your method of investigation, e.g.:

  • Questionnaires
  • Personal interviews
  • Focus groups
  • Mathematical modelling
  • Secondary data

Indicate your sampling methodology, e.g.:

  • Size of sample
  • Population
  • Experimental and control groups
  • Prevention of bias, etc.

Indicate statistical methods and substantiate why you intend using the proposed specific statistical methods. Indicate whether ethics approval is required, and apply for ethics clearance through the faculty ethics committee.

Plan your investigation in phases, setting measurable target dates where feasible.

Significance of the Research

Indicate the significance of the research. Why is it important?  Whom, or what industry, will it benefit?  This is usually vital for funding.


Results and Discussion

Based upon the critical analysis of your findings you will be required to provide recommendations that, in your opinion, will help improve the field of Leadership.

What are the expected outcomes and what do you wish to achieve, e.g.:


  • A new plant process
  • A solution to a practical problem
  • A specific aid to practitioners in a particular field
  • An instrument of use in the mining industry, etc.

What contribution will this research make to the body of knowledge in the particular field of study?

This is the most important section of your work. You will analyse the results of your study. You will show a clear understanding of the nature and significance of your findings. Your analytical skills will clearly be of central importance to this section of your research.


One page maximum in which you will summarize your findings


 References Cited

This is a list of the literature referred to in your research proposal. Do not include titles not cited, or that have no relevance to your research problem. You should have read the references you list (or at least the relevant parts). Indicate how they relate to your research.

Distinguish clearly between a list of References cited and a Bibliography. The latter includes all material consulted, including background reading not necessarily cited. Alternatively you may provide separate lists of References Cited and Other References.


Include group contribution description.

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