Proposal on Eating Preferences

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Proposal on Eating Preferences

Eating preferences of Home Economics 1 grade 12


Understanding the students’ eating preferences is important in terms of their over-all health and well-being. Evidence indicates that dietary habits acquired in childhood persist through to adulthood.

In general, the eating preferences of students’ is usually established from birth and is affected by several factors including sociodemographic, physical and psychological condition, economics, culture, religion, the education level of parents, and social media.

The student’s eating preferences are often bad and studies have addressed reasons for this. Some studies have focused on modelling, and indicate that children may model both their parent’s eating behaviour and also their eating related attitudes and body dissatisfaction. Other studies have highlighted a role for control, and have indicated that whilst many parents impose control over their child’s intake and use food to control their child’s behaviour, this may not always have the desired positive effect. Because of this, Studying eating preferences can aid in the design of specific measures that reduce the negative effects of an unhealthy diet on health.



This study attempts to identify the food preferences of the students in aid of developing a viable canteen management program. Specifically, the study sought to answer the following questions:

1. How may the following factors influencing the food preferences of students be described in terms of:

  • Demographic Characteristics
  • Food Characteristics
  • Frequency of Menu offering (Cycle)

2. How it can affect the food prices

  • Canteen

3. What are the common unhealthy diet they should get by eating preferences

  • obesity


In this context, the aim of the present study was to examine the eating preferences of students and their level of satisfaction with the cafeteria or street foods of University of the East Caloocan.

Specifically, this research sought to answer the following questions:

  1. what are the common food preferences of HE 1 grade 12 student in UE Caloocan?
  2. how it can affect the food price in eating preferences?
  3. what are the common unhealthy diet they could get by eating preferences?


The useful and relevant information acquired from the study will eventually help for the following purpose:

Students – The study could give variety of food choices and options that is suitable to their preferences specifically their eating habits and food budget.

School Canteen Operators – The study will help the operators create and enhance the menu that will be patronized by the students. This study will help the operators in develop a viable canteen management.

School Administrators – The study will eventually help the School Administrators in maintaining the safety and security of the students as they will choose to eat at the canteen instead of spending their break outside the campus.



The study is descriptive in nature and focused on students belonging to grade 12 studying in the University of the East Caloocan. The study involved a total 50 grade 12 students which may be viewedas a restriction that limits the generalization of the results

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