HPR450 Grant Proposal Methods
In writing a grant proposal, it is the responsibility of the grant writer to ensure that all activities of the project are effectively and clearly outlined. Therefore, the activities outlined in the method section need to satisfy all objectives. Please readStep 5: Developing the Methods in the course text before you develop your post for this discussion forum.
Write a statement that describes the methods used to address the identified problem and exhibits the following characteristics:
- Describes who will benefit (i.e., recipients of intervention), including key characteristics of participants and participant selection procedures.
- Describes what is expected to change (i.e., how the objectives are met).
- Identifies when change will occur.
- Flows naturally from goal and objectives.
- Clearly and concretely describes program activities.
- States reasons for selection of activities.
Describes staffing of program (i.e., individuals responsible for the implementation of the intervention and their professional qualifications). Remember: Activities connected with the proposed intervention can be accomplished within a well-defined timeframe and are consistent with the resources of the applicant (i.e., your organization; see Kiritz, 2004).
Based on the goal and objective you shared with your instructor and peers in your Goals and Objectives discussion this week, write the methods you will use to carry out those goals and objectives.
When writing the section devoted to staffing, consider these questions:
- Who will carry out what activities?
- Will you pay yourself?
- Will you raise money? How?
- What will it take to complete the planned intervention in a timely manner?
Required Resources
O’Neal-McElrath, T. (2013). Winning grants step by step: The complete workbook for planning, developing, and writing successful proposals (4th ed.). San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
- Step 4: Defining Clear Goals and Objectives
- ·Step 5: Developing the Methods
Recommended Resource
Kiritz, N. J. (2004). Program planning & proposal writing (Links to an external site.) : Expanded version. Retrieved from https://www.tgci.com/publications-purchase
- This book offers an effective and detailed narrative on how to write a grant proposal, including comprehensive guidelines on the method section. It may assist you in your Goals and Objectives and your Methods discussions this week.
- Please note this is a recommended resource and is not a required purchase.