Individual Assignment Operations Function

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Individual Assignment Operations Function


The operations function of any enterprise has a direct and significant impact on the competitiveness and success of the firm. Upon completion of this project, you will have gained a deeper understanding of how the goals and objectives of an operation are realized in the way they do business. The project will draw upon the skills, concepts and models we discuss in the course semester and apply them in a real-world setting.


Select an operation of your choice. This may be an operation you work in or have worked in, or one you are able to gain access to. Prepare a business report including the following elements.

  1. Observation and analysis. Collect data on the way that the selected operation currently runs. This data may be qualitative and/or qualitative – the key is to collect high-quality data. Think about a key problem with the operation or a challenge that it faces. Use tools from the OM course to examine the operation in detail. Focus is key here – it’s usually better to look at a smaller part of the operation in more depth.
  2. Recommendations. Based on your analysis make recommendations for improvement. Report might also include a feasibility analysis and timeline for implementation.


Report Specifications

Your business report should be a maximum of 1500 words. This word limit includes the following:

  • The body of the assignment
  • Figures and tables in the body of text
  • In-text references.

It excludes:

  • Title page
  • Executive summary (if you decide to include one)
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices (please note that appendices should only be used for supporting material, the content will NOT count towards your grade).

As EMBA’s you are likely to appreciate the importance of keeping reports relatively short (Particularly as your boss may only be willing to read 1000-1500 words before making a decision!), so make sure that you write in a concise and focused manner.

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